Why I left

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Alrigjt starting off after what? 2 years? I was absent?, first of all lets clear up some fog , the main reason i left was backlash from a group of kpop stans who doxxed me on twitter, after i released a draft on my rant corner (please dont read it btw its all pure cancer inside) who somehow tracked my social media accounts and proceeded to leak my ip, some of them had the balls to actually tell the people who followed me on twt (i had a close to 40+ since i was affiliated to the gacha community (p.s i know Gacha was cringe )  after the wave of backlash i immediately all my social media accounts in fear of being further doxxed. After the doxxing i had a "mental breakdown" where i had a meltdown on Wattpad , i immediately knew that if they tracked my other profiles they can track my wattpad account, i panicked and decided to be on a hiatus for a while, after the whirlwind of kpop stans sending me annoying kpop clips or "stan cams" or something like that i decided i should leave permanently, after deciding to make some amends, i still kept the rant on my rant corner after they decided to leave me alone.

The other reason was that after Life became even busier and busier i slowly stopped having the Enlightenment to post stories on my feed, i moved on from the fandom in 2021 and stopped updating ever since, I pray to those who still read the garbage i wrote a year ago, as if you call them "stories" anyway.

So hey, My name is Oreli (not real name) and that's why i stopped updating, AND NO, i am not updating ever again, maybe , maybe not, if you choose to hold on a small spark of hope that i'll post another country humans story ,then too bad buddy, although maybe ill upload, but nah i dont think that's gonna happen anytime soon, not now anyways.

So uhhhh Fuck off?? Thanks for reading my shit and uhh bye ✌🏻.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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