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||Y/N'S P.O.V.||

"What the fuck is wrong with me?"

"Now she thought I was slacking off!"

Yesterday was a fucking disaster.

I was so embarrassed yesterday. It was like going to school naked or bringing a camera on a nude beach. 

It's the middle of the night.  

I'm whispering on my bed, telling myself how a Dummkopf  I was.

"How didn't you see her you fucking twat?!". "Calm..down" I silenty whispered to myself before actually reaching for my blanket.


I woke up at 5:20 Tops. I was dressing up, Cleaning the leftover popcorn kernels on the floor from yesterday, And actually finding my belt.

I arrived to the office at 7:00, still embarrassed about yesterday I immediately rushed to my office so my boss wasn't going to see me.

"I'm such a damn introvert"

I slowly pulled up my chair so Germany wouldn't hear the chair screech

I quickly pulled out my paperwork from yesterday to put it on The Boss' desk

I was a little hesitant at first, then I realized nobody was there. "Oh goddamn it, My clock was wrong." I came actually an Hour and 30 mins. early,

I was bored out of my mind

There was nothing to do

I was a little Sleepy nothing much

So I immediately walked to my boss' office to drop off the paperwork

I was surprised Germany actually cleaned her office....or it was just maintenance

I dropped them off when suddenly I knocked something over. It was actually a Mug it said "Fur Meine Tochter". That's where I did a little Snooping around.

I eventually came across some dusty letters. It was to Germany from.... I suddenly realized the name was Sketched out, seems like someone erased it. That's where I found a key in the drawers.

To my surprise. It unlocked a Locker. There were attires of clothes and what seems to be, a portrait. The Frame was rotting, seems it liked was left there for a year. The image of wat looks like a Little girl, until I realized its Germany.

It was her standing behind a wide valley. There was something off with the photo, there what looks like to be a hand on young Germany's shoulder. I took the image from the rotten frame, I expected one of those photos that were folded to cover the other half of the picture, but no, it was shredded, like someone tore it with a strong pull.

I didn't know who that hand belonged to, or even if that person is still living and breathing.

But If I had to guess, It was a childhood friend, or a brother. I quickly returned everything I took and placed them in the exact place where I found them.

I immediately went out of the office and into my room, I decided to take a little nap since it still 6:00.


||Germany's P.O.V.||

I was fresh out of the bath.

I dressed up for work.

Just the usual routine.

But this time i was wondering, "What did L/N talk about while I was gone?"

"Eh Probaby Notzing, maybe He vas Daydreaming"

I drove to my office for about 3 Minutes 

I usually enter at 7:30, Often caught up with the unfinished reports I didn't do In the office.

"Good Morning Ma'am" .I was greeted by the accountant, rather not lively, its like she didn't have enough sleep

I proceeded to my office and taking off my shoes with a pair of high heels. I checked if my Assistant was still there, lo and behold, Him, napping in his desk, I decided to wake him up to see what would happen.

"Oi..Vake up!" I shaked him up, He wasn't responding. "Oi!. Vake up you drooler!". He finally woke up, at first he glanced at me, than he freaked out then fell on his back.

"Ugghh.. Mornin ma'am!" He grinned at me "vat is it vith you?" I spoke to him. "Sorry ma'am, umm won't happen again Ehheh!", "Gute Chop Chop , ve have some vork to do". I grabbed my freshly organized paperwork

"Get zis done by 11:30, I have an EU meeting tommorrow"."Y-Yes ma'am!". I then left him alone for a couple of hours, I sat at my desk , then I myself started to feel lonely.

"I wonder what dad's doing?...."


A little early eh?. Like is said i'll be uploading frequently!

Now where's my Black sabbath album?

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