Let's not do that again.

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||Y/N'S P.O.V||


"My eyes feel like i poured kerosene in them".

I said to myself after i woke up.

Yesterday was a train-wreck. I wasn't sure if my boss saw me or not, but i'm 100% sure. After a quick look in the mirror, I looked like I had anorexia. Yesterday i didn't even bother to eat anything, of course i was starving, but i was too tired to cook something up. I scoured my entire apartment just to look for some microwave food. Then i found a dusty packet of ehat looks like to be, popcorn.

When I was finally able to microwave it, I thought to myself, "What in the world was France doing there?", but if i ask Germany, i would intrude in their....I'd better not think about it. But then i realized, IT WAS MY FIRST DAY PROMOTED!. I quickly grabbed my work clothes from the top of my washing machine, It reeked and i realized it was the same one i wore from last week.

"Oh well, Better than nothing!"

I quickly dashed to the front door, of course I was still in my Underwear. Now, i didn't know what kind of reason i gave to myself that no one would see me, because my Neighbor saw me rushing to the elevator, eating a frickin bag of popcorn, and pulling my pants halfway through, while also trying yo cope with the cold, since i was still a little bit sleep deprived.

I finally got in the same building, i have been entering for almost 6 months. Of course, i still remember being in Awe when i first took a glance at it, But now the place felt really small, probably because i work at the tippy-top of the skyscraper.

"Ahh, my new assistant", "so..bist du bereit für deinen ersten tag?" She said in native german. "Jawohl, mein bossin" I replied " Wunderbar,  Now i want you to turn in this paperwork, and do it fast I need it done tomorrow" she hands me neatly stacked paperwork, " You zink you got this?" 

" Jawohl". I got to work around 7:30, during my work, i noticed Ms.Germany was Quiet, i was really creeped out, like she was staring at me while i was working. But she left the room in 10 minutes.


 My finger were like i was playing an electric guitar for 9 hours, i took a break around 12:00 to 12:25, it took me that amount of time that i realized the room reeked, it was like two men rolled on the carpet after a marathon, it reeked of sweat"...no...no one entered here aside the boss right?" I thought to myself.

That's were i thought to myself. "Why doesn't the boss have a boyfriend or husband?, i mean she's looks really pretty and.....umm....she's just pretty" i couldn't say she was organized, for example look at her own office, but i thought again "maybe, if i commit myself to this job, i'll get to know her" but i was confused, "why do i care so much?", " i mean, she is just my boss, my german countryhuman boss that is, but why do i care so much about her" it soon struck me that. I might be developing a Crush on her?.

When i first thought of that, i suddenly dropped a stapler on my foot.

"I mean, She is just my boss!", "what would my co-workers think about this?!" then i just swatted out the thoughts, "C'mon Y/N, don't get emotional over your job!", "especially not with your hot boss!"

"Uhhh...who are you talking to?" I was shocked to hear that feminine german accent. "UHH... Nothing Mein fräulein , Eheheh!".

"Okay, better wrap your break up and go back to work", "Ja,mein fräulein" i said as i do a pretty weird smirk. I finished up my paperwork around 2:00 Pm and left it on my boss's desk. "Man, what a first day"

I spent the rest of the day wondering if she ever heard the last thing that ever came out of my mouth, i hoped not, but i'm 80% sure. I was still sulking over it for over 2 hours before i went to bed,

Honestly, i'm sure nothing will go wrong in the future......i hope not

 ||End of 2nd Chapter||

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