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||Germany's P.O.V.||

"Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck!"

"Goddamit How can I be Zis Late!?"

||30 Mins Earlier||

I was woken up by the sun shining on my face, I was hesitant at first I was still sleepy of all the Goddamn paperwork yesterday. My vision was blurry, I immediately rubbed my eyes to discover that all my paperwork was done.

Come to think of it, where's my Assistant?. 

I noticed a note sitting on the other chair my assistant was in.

He said he took care of everything. I was so relieved, he actually covered up my work!

He singlehandedly filed in THOUSANDS of Reports.

"Hmm zat's pretty nice of him"

Then I checked what time it is......


I immediately run down the lobby into my reserved parking lot, it was actually dangerous.

I almost fell down an escalator.

But I immediately jumped in and started to catch up to time.

I was dodging cars left and right, throughout the streets of berlin.

Almost crashing

"Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck, oh Fuck!"

But at the last minute, I arrived at the berlin centrum.

I immediately stepped inside for the meeting.

Ahhh Germany, Glad you can join us" It was EU, he looked really uptight today, "Sorry Eu, it vas because of zi traffik". "Oh that's is so cliche!"Italy Spouted. "Oh Shut up italy, the only reason why were here is because you had a border skirmish with austria!" France spoke loudly trying to defend me.

"ENOUGH". " Now tell me Italy, why were you positioning artillery guns near the Austrian border?"

"You don't understand!"

"My men were just fetching lend leased equipment from Zagreb!, right Croatia?!"

Everyone glared at Croatia, who was getting really sweaty  and nervous"

"I don't recall accepting the lend lease Italy"

Everyone was suspicious of Italy, he was shaking and started to sweat.

"Oh come on Cro!' you can't do me like this!", "Italy tell us the truth!" EU spoke to italy. 'Tell us, were you trying to start a border conflict?. Like the Marco polo bridge incident?, Attempting to blame Austria for taking the first Shot?.

"No..Eu, I wasn't trying to start a potential war with Austria..."

"Good, but Austria is still threatened by you, so the entire EU members will vote" EU said Harshly Italy." The EU members will decide to cede South Tyrol as compensation for the border threat Or pay tribute to Austria"

"Ok, Lets get started". At this point tension has been rising here ad there, especially with Italy  and Croatia"

"Now, Italy will pay 50 Billion Euros as Reparations and compensation for Austria, all in favor?".Personally, Italy's one of my closest friends, So i Raised my hand for him. 13 OUT OF 27 raised their hands.

"All who oppose?" 12 out 0f 27 raise their hands.

Suddenly, a massive argument erupts between the Members, "Oh for Fuck's Sake!!"

Without another word, everyone remained silent before EU musters another word.

"Next, Italy will cede South Tyrol to Austria, All in favor?" Only 9 Countries Agreed, "All who Oppose?" The rest of the EU raised their hands.

"Two to one, Italy will pay reparations!'.

Italy let out a huge sigh," At least they won't take Tyrol..." He mumbled quietly to himself.

"Members, this meeting has been concluded, Italy will pay reparations to Austria, and negotiations have been resolved, Meeting dismissed!"

"Psst!.. Hey.. Germany Thanks" said Italy as he shake my hand halfway through the exit.

"Kein Problem, Italy"

"Phew!, Zis day has been Intense, And a bit too Dramatik"

"Tell me about it", I glance at my shoulder, it was France, "Hel- I mean Hallo Germany!", "Guten Tag France.". Since I was Split at the end of 1945 France was there to help me, I consider her as my bestest Friend.

"So wanna hang out?", "Are you serious, Don't you have any papervork to do?","Nope, Assistant does it for me!".

"So wanna get a latte?"

"Nein, I'm tired, Today has been really really dramatik"."I mean EU didn't have to layout those harsh terms right?"

"Why not?, Italy has always been a daring klutz","Remember Benito?"."

"Vho Vat?"

"What?","But you just mention-" "Its okay i understand GO home, take a well deserved rest!"


I quietly drove to my House, To be honest, today has been really strange."

"I wonder what Y/N is doing"

||Y/N P.O.V.||

Yesterday was perfect, I can't wait to see my boss' face when i see her thanking me for finishing her reports!

Today was my Day-off, Which means more ME time.

I was Organizing my Heavy metal Albums, Vacuuming the floor, Watching Saving Private Ryan, All that stuff.

"Hmmm Maybe its time to hit the sack"

"Well maybe just one last Iron Maiden Song...."

"I wonder what Germany is Doing?"


Hey you Froggy fucks!

Jk :P A little bit short eh, Sorry , No i am not becoming diinterested of the story, The reason because Its FUCKING 12:53 so give me some credit.....

Enjoyed it Good Now go to sleep because you have online class tomorrow!

...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Seriously Fuck off!

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