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                                                                                                                                                                                               *Sigh* To be honest, I don't really regret sleeping in work yesterday. I had a weird dream, it was me picturing my own death......and I was enjoying it.

||Y/N'S P.O.V|

Despite all the awkwardness, I still carried out the rest of the day normally, but for no reason I was still wondering who that man was, "Goddamnit me!, stop meddling in someone's personal affairs!" I Aggressively address myself  out loud.

I was finished with the report FINALLY, I walked back to the boss' room with the report she gave me 3 hours ago.

When I first peeked, she was finishing up her section of the paperwork, I hesitated at first, I was pretty sure she was gonna scold me after disturbing her.

I was standing there for about 15 minutes, thinking whether or not I should invite myself in. Finally I gathered up the courage to finally knock at the door, "Ma'am!, the paperwork is done".

I swear my butthole quivered when I said that.

"Come in" she replied rather hastily. "Here's the paperwork you gave me Ma'am" I said as I awkwardly open the door, "Gute, and at 30 minutes early ,I'm impressed" at this rate I should've turned down the offer. "

"And I thought you vere just as bad as my old assistant" she said to me, now I know what it feels to be appreciated....and it feels gooood.

"Umm.. Is there anything I could do ma'am?" When I said that a sudden rush of pride traveled through my spine, "You can fill In a portion of my vork, It's a little bit long, It's okay if you refu-"

"Sure" I said to her before she can muster another word, "Here" she splitted her paperwork and gave the other half to me. We immediately got to work , right there in her office.

||Timeskip 4:00 PM||

My eyes were really heavy.

My fingers feel like play-doh.

I was tired, as you should be , when your filling in BRICKS of paper, My brain was insisting to keep working, while the other half suggested I should leave.

But I ignored it, It was noon, the sun was going down. The employees are going home, the evening was beautiful, Probably because Germany's room had the best view.

I continued filling in paperwork from 4:00 to 5:00. I didn't even notice Germany passed out drooling. I don't know what caused me to do this, but to spare my boss the stress, I take her portion of paperwork. 

Of course it would've took me another hour and a half , but I didn't care for some unspecified reason.

I knew the boss had a EU meeting tomorrow, but it would've been stressful if she didn't finish her work. 

So that's why I took it, I didn't want to be like her old assistant, who was probably unreliable and irresponsible. I wanted to cut her some slack.

At this point i was just gonna black out, but I kept filling in. "The paperwork is the enemy, neutralize them" I kept mumbling to myself, for some reason. 

I felt like snuggling in a coffin, I was just so tired, I started hallucinating.

But I was too tired to hallucinate.


||Timeskip 6:50 PM||

That time, that time when I filled in the last piece of DAMN paper.  I was finally relieved.

I was gonna past out any moment now, but the boss was still there on her desk.

My mind debated to wake her up or not, but if I wake her up there was no way she could sleep again. 

Now the reliable employee that I am, grabbed her coat hanging from the rack, and placed it on her, I immediately wrote a note:

                                                  Hey Boss!

                                           Don't worry I took care of everything!,


I went out and closed the door behind her.

I was walking down the lobby where usually the accountant would be.

I was lapsing in and out of my consciousness, I immediately called a taxi, since I was too tired to drive.

When I arrived, i was GLAD........then I passed out right there on the floor.

Honestly, if i took another step i would seriously drop down and black out.

But it was better sleeping in the floor, than not having any sleep at all.

.........Geez what a fucked up logic.


I'll be publishing frequently!

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