The Gunther Lesson: #1

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"What are you doing, Lysander?" Lysander heard his sister call up to him.

Lysander hurriedly stuffed the box underneath his bed and flopped down on his bed, pretending he'd been reading the whole time. Erika barged into his room right afterwards.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" Lysander yelled. He dropped the book to his side and sat up, "Get out!"

Erika ducked his arms as she went down to the floor. She pulled the box out. Lysander smashed down on her shoulder with his foot, pushing her away and kicking the box back underneath his bed. Erika started to pout her lip and forced it to tremble. Lysander's face changed from angry to desperate. He crouched down in front of Erika and waved his hands in front of his face, trying unsuccessfully to get her to calm down.

Erika wailed out, calling for their dad. Lysander forced his hand over his sister's mouth and gave her look to stop, but she didn't stop. She wailed through his hand and licked it. Lysander pulled his hand away just as their dad entered the room. His shoulders sagged as he crossed his arms firmly.

"What is going on up here?" he inquired.

Erika stood up and pretended to be calming down with the hiccups you get after throwing a tantrum.

"Lysander-" hic "-pushed me-" hic "-to the-" hic "-fl-" hic "-floor when I tried-" hic "-to see his box!"

"It's not my box!" Lysander yelled, "Nana showed me a bunch from the attic and one of them belonged to Uncle Gunther!"

Rolf straightened his posture when he heard his son say his brother's name. He could've lectured Lysander about shoving his sister, but he was so taken back by hearing the word Gunther, he left the room. He shut himself in his and Luna's room and sat on their bed. He stared up at the ceiling and blinked away forming tears.


Erika glared at Lysander, "Now you've done it."

Lysander raised his hands in a defensive way. Suddenly, the doorway was filled again. Lily stood there.

"Your family has definitely got some generational trauma." she stated.

"What?" Erika and Lysander said together.

Lily shook her head, "Nevermind."

Lorcan popped up out of nowhere and said, "We should learn more about dad's past."

Lysander nodded, "Ok. Let's ask him."

Lorcan shook his head, "No, Ly. He'll be out of commission for the next week, thanks to you two." Lorcan looked from Lysander to Erika multiple times before continuing.

"Gran and Granddad should be able to help us."

"Granddad isn't going to be back for the next few weeks." Erika pointed out, "Remember the call?"

Lorcan nodded, "Great. Then, let's get a lesson on Gunther from Gran."

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