I'm Lily

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Lily, age 4, swung from the monkey bars as she heard her dad exclaim. "Luna!" Lily looked around, "Been a while! Look at the boys!" Lily felt her fingers slip off the wrungs and she fell. She let out a yelp before she started to cry.

Harry hurried toward her and pulled her up. He examined her hands and legs, "Oh, would you look at that, Lils. Not a scratch on you." Lily looked at him with teary eyes, "Are you standing?" Lily nodded, "Are you bleeding?" Lily shook her head, "Then you can keep playing."

Lily smiled and hugged Harry before running off. She climbed back onto the play structure and stopped ever so quickly to talk briefly to the blond boy on the platform.

"Hello." she said, "I'm Lily."

"I'm Lysander." he said, "Do you want to play?"

Lily looked at what he was playing. It was just cars. She sat down, "Okay!"

Lysander x Lily One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now