Something bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman ~ Ariana Grande
"Declan why are you sitting all the way over there?" I frowned. We were in Kendall's basement watching a movie.
Since everyone knows of my living situation, I decided to invite my friends over. Just let me say, they were very impressed when they first walked in. I sat between Quinn and Lily on one of the couches in front of a big screen tv. Declan sat on a single chair beside us.
"Yeah, there's an open space next to Quinn. Don't be shy," Lils interjected.
Declan shook his head "I don't mind sitting alone, it's comfortable," he said before turning to the screen.
I looked over at Quinn, but she dodged my gaze. After the trip, things have been kind of tense in our friend group especially between Quinn and Declan's. I tired talking to Quinn but she would just push me away.
My eyebrows furrowed at the awkwardness floating through the room.
"Ugh, can we please change the movie?" Declan groaned, running a hand through his hair.
"What's wrong with twilight?" I asked, throwing some skittles in my mouth.
"Everything! Who wants to watch five films of the the same thing?"
"Me," Lily spoke. "Can you shut up so I can listen. Jacob's speaking," she grinned. Once again his shirt was off and of course Lily's eyes flew up and down his torso.
I scoffed at Lily, she's a trip. "If you don't wanted to watch twilight with us then why come? We told you that's what we were watching."
"Yes, a twilight movie not five, we're on our third movie and I'm getting bored."
Quinn stood up suddenly, "I'm going to the bathroom," she said before leaving.
We all stared as she walked away.
"Declan what did you do to her?" Lily whisper-shouted once she heard the door close, nearly climbing over me. I lifted my bucket of popcorn out of the way.
"What do you mean what did I do to her?" Declan glared at her.
"You have to of did something, she's not herself anymore she's more quieter, and doesn't want to hang out as much. Did you know I had to drag her over here at her big age. She looks miserable."
Declan bit his lip and ran a hand threw his hair. "I wish I knew what's wrong but she won't tell me anything. When you guys left we watched a movie and played a few games. I went to the bathroom and when I came back out she was gone."
We all hushed up when we heard the door to the bathroom squeak open. Quinn joined us shortly sending us a sad grin. I hit resume on the movie and sighed.
After a few hours, Lily and Quinn left together and it was just me and Declan. We moved upstairs to the living room.
"Are you sure nothing else happened back at the hotel? I just don't like seeing Quinn like that and I'm just trying to understand what's wrong."
Declan sighed, bending over and putting his head in his hands. "I don't know," he sighed. "Look I got to go, but I'll see you later princess," he said getting up to hug me.
I hugged his back, "what did I say about calling me that," I sighed.
"Sorry sorry, I'll work on it," he pulled back smiling at me. We pulled away when we heard a set of footsteps enter the room.
Declan rolled his eyes when he saw Victor walk in. Victor didn't seem to fond of him as well and his eyebrows went up.
They both glared at each other in passing and I almost wanted to gag at the tension in the room. Seriously, what is up with everyone?

Living with Trouble
RomanceHave you ever had a crush on somebody you knew you never had a chance with? It sucks right, try crushing on the same boy since the 8th grade. When seventeen-year-old Aniya is beginning to give up on her silly crush, fate brings them together in the...