Chapter 33

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Yours, mine, ours, I could do this for hours ~ Muni Long

I entered the front office, light music sailed from the speakers. I walked up to the desk to find no one manning their stations.

"Hello?" I leaned over the low bar. "Is anyone here? I have attendance," I waved the paper in my hand.

"I'm coming," a soft voice came from the back. I sat back on my feet and waited patiently for one of the front desk ladies to show up.

"I'll take that..."

I narrowed my eyes, Anne appeared from one of the back doors, wearing a green vest. Her name plastered in bold, pinned on her chest. "Why do I keep running into you?"

I crossed my arms, "I don't know maybe because we go to the same school and live in the same state?"

She rolled her eyes and popped the gum in her mouth, unfazed. She held her hand out and I placed the slip in it.

"Looks like you got dumped," she cooly said as I was just leaving.


"Victor. Words getting around that he and Jessie are a thing now. He left you in the dust once again." She said, her fingers flying over the computer keys.

My heart dropped to my stomach. I gulped, placing my hands by my side. "We were never together, what he does has nothing to do with me."

"Did anyone ever tell you, you're a horrible liar?" She chuckled. The clacking of the keys sounded in my ears repeatedly. "He left for someone far better than you. It's ok to be upset, I would be too."

"Anne, why don't you focus on your job and stop worrying about me. This obsession is getting old."

She scowled, her upper lip lifting like an angry pariah. "I'm not obsessed with your lame ass."

"Then leave me the fuck alone," I glared, leaving her to herself. Thoughts raced through my mind of whenever I saw Jessie and Victor together. They can't be together, Victor said he didn't feel that way about her.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I passed Jessie in the halls. She smiled and waved at me before disappearing into the nearby girls bathroom.

Why is she so nice to me?

I shook my head and went back to my math class.  I sat next to Lily who gave me a weird look. I tried to ignore her constant stares but they were getting annoying.

"Yes Lily?"

"Why do you look like someone kicked you in the stomach?"

My eyebrows furrowed, "I look like that?"

She nodded her head, "very."

"Cramps," I stated.

"Ohh," she sighed. "Do you need some medicine?"

"I already took some," I flashed her a smile, hoping she wouldn't catch on.


"Yes, my student."

"Are you trying to hypnotize us?" The kid followed the rings on the screen.

"No my dear, I'm trying to open your mind and heart. Pay attention." She snapped to the board.

I fell forward, jerking back up halfway. My body swayed to the calm music, my eyelids became heavier by the minute.

Just like that the screen was turned off and everyone's eyes opened. "Ms.Care, what did I say about these...unrelated art activities?" One of the school's counselors stood at the door with the remote in her hand.

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