Chapter 26- The Unknown

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First chapter of 2022, I'll try my best to get to the main plot as it is the 26th chapter but knowing me, I drift off to different topics all the time 😅

Gemini's POV

"Alright, I have received all of your exam results for this semester. Would you like for me to read it out loud, or would you all rather privately take a peek at it?" Saturn questioned

As you all could probably tell, we've unfortunately had another week full of tests and studying, annoying. Am I right? I seriously took my freedom for granted and now I've ended up in my 'you only live once, yolo' phase, we were about to receive our results for Geography but I honestly wasn't that passionate about the subject, mathematics proudly for the win aswell as music! Though I'd know one person who'd fully disagree with me on that decision; I glanced at my partner in crime who was also known to be in a prank wars with me, Sagi-tortoise! Or well Sagittarius, we both enjoyed making up ridiculous nicknames for each other considering I refer to her as a tortoise while she either calls me 'Gremlin' or 'Germ-in-eye-', I was fine with both.

"I say you should probably name out the students with the highest Geography grade, Saturn" Cancer suggested, snapping me out of my thoughts

"Wouldn't it be easy to predict that Capricorn has received the highest test score?" Pisces questioned

"Not as long as I am apart of this scrumptous class, there is absolutely no way that that pessimistic peasant has the grades to surpass me." Virgo scoffed

"Sorry to burst your bubble but you have infact never gotten higher than I have, neither have you ever placed any higher other than constantly being second, face it." Capricorn rolled his eyes

"Let's not start any commotion, shall we?" Libra chimed in

"Man, it's always the same old argument aswell!" Taurus added on

"Oh let them be, it's entertaining to witness it LIVE from our classroom" Leo grinned

"Exactly! Besides, this means more of us stalling the lesson and breaktime coming in faster" Sagittarius pointed out

"But why go to school if you don't intend to learn? You're practically wasting your time." Scorpio said

"I fully agree with you, Scorpio!" Gemina blurted out

"Saturn, I'm waiting to know if my dear darling younger sister has managed to beat the goat or not!" I tuned in

"Gemini, you're embarrassing me." Virgo mumbled under her breath

"That is the point but hey, atleast I wasn't being dishonest! You are my younger sister afterall" I laughed

"Younger by three months, but okay." She sighed

"Sorry to disappoint you Virgo, but Capricorn has infact beaten your score yet once again. Congratulations, brother" Saturn saluted

"This is rigged I tell you, rigged!" Virgo grumpily said

"You just cannot accept the idea of losing to me, deluded perfectionist." Capricorn crossed his arms

"Virgo pretty much got second, then in third place we have a tie between Sagittarius and Libra whilst in fourth Aquarius managed to make it in, which leaves the 5th to Gemini" Saturn explained

"Let's go! I didn't even study for this one, I call this a big brain moment" Aquarius exclaimed

"Except for the fact you have no brain, you brainless, ancient donkey." Aries saltily muttered as she walked in the room

"Libra once again control your airhead girlfriend, she has just insulted me for my biggest effortless achievement this semester!" Aquarius over exaggerated as I snickered

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