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Day 20: (MCD)

Zane's PoV:

I frown at the warm orange hue of the sunset as the gentle feeling of the tide crashes into the old wooden dock below my feet. I sigh before looking down at my reflection.

Damn, I never realized how pathetic I look. I grimace before sitting down. I take a deep breath and lick my lips nervously.

"Four," I whisper.


It's been four days and I still can't say anyone's name. I slip up sometimes but it's never lasted this long before. Is it permanent now? Will I never be able to say her name again? I can't do that again.

I take a deep breath before running my fingers through my hair. I close my eyes, trying to remember some of my speech exercises that Twenty-six gave me. They never were very helpful but I'm willing to try anything.

"Try to use their name in a sentence," I mutter to myself. I take a few calming breaths before trying. "Four made cupcakes."

I grimace before trying again. "Four loves the color pink."

I grunt and bury my face in my hands as I try to think of another speech exercise.

"Look at a picture of them while trying to say their name," Twenty-six's words echo in my head.

I close my eyes and think of every detail of Four. Her kind golden irises. Her silky bubblegum pink hair. Her soft pale skin. Her adorable black ears and tail. And her smile, her true smile. It wasn't overly sweet and cute; it was kind and honest and beautiful.

I softly smile, "...Four."

My heart shatters as tears run down my face.

"Four... Four... Four..." I cry. "No, not again."

"Zane!" I hear someone behind me shout. I quickly dash away my tears and lightly shake my head trying to compose myself before turning around. I see the Lord of Pheonix Drop, Fifty-three, and his brother, Fifty-two.

"What do you need?" I ask, devoid of emotion.

"Kawaii~Chan is looking for you," Fifty-three says.

I sigh, "I know."

"What's up with you, Zane?" Fifty-two asks. "Why are you avoiding Kawaii~Chan? She's supposed to be your caretaker in case you've forgotten."

I lower my eyes before gently shaking my head. "I don't want to talk about it."

"I don't think you have much of a choice, Zane," Fifty-three mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Kawaii~Chan isn't just there to make sure you're taken care of. Now that you're walking around without her everyone thinks that you're scheming or something."

I chuckle hollowly, "Do you think I'm up to something."

"We trust our mom," Fifty-three says.

"That's not what I asked," I sigh wearily.

"We know what you asked," Fifty-three grimaces. "Our opinion of you is... complicated, to put it lightly."

I shrug, pretending to be satisfied with his answer.

"Listen, Zane, you really need to stay with Kawaii~Chan," Fifty-three growls. "Or things will take a turn for the worse... for everyone."

I nod several times before looking over the ocean again. "I'll put it under advisement."

Fifty-three is about to open his mouth before Fifty-two grabs his arm and lightly shakes his head. Fifty-three scowls before nodding.

"Good night, Zane," Fifty-three sighs as the two of them turn around and go back into town.

I grimace, Four will be here soon. I slowly stand up and walk back to Six's house.

Wow, has it really been two months since my last update? I honestly wish I could say that I would have a longer or better thought out chapter after two months, but this is the best I could do. I honestly don't like this chapter but I can't think of anything else to add to it.

Anyway, thanks for reading. I hope you all had a wonderful New Year. My New Years' resolution is to try and update more frequently.

Remember: Constructive criticism is very appreciated.

Notice: I still would love to hear your ideas for small fluff, angst, etc. chapters. I might use them and give you a shoutout at the end of the chapter

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