ix. all valley tournament.

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THE MORNING WAS ALREADY CHAOS FOR THE COBRA KAI, Miguel had gone mad because his breakup with Sam. Then they couldn't find Chuck who has disappeared last night or their Sensei who they haven't heard from all morning.

Virgin had spoken up about Sensei going off the rail again, freaking out Aisha and Hawk before Johnny had actually showed up.

"Great. Let's sign up."

"Not yet. There's one more lesson I have to teach you." Johnny informed them as he looked around at his students, "Where's Chuck?"

They all shrugged.

Chuck had showed up, walking toward the locker room for Cobra Kai with his Gi. Johnny was standing outside in his clothes, "Good. You're here." He greeted Chuck, holding out the new Gi. "Here you go, go change."



"I'm sorry," Chuck apologized, "But I quit."

"You quit? On the day of the tournament? Who quit on the day of the competition?" Johnny questioned.

"I'm sorry... I just can't do this anymore. I can't, Okay? I know just more than enough karate to save my life whenever I'm in danger and that's all I'll ever need to know." Chuck explained, "I enjoy my time here at Cobra Kai but I don't think this is meant for someone like me. I'm not aggressive and angry all the time. And I won't beat myself trying to become one of them people you created."

"One of them?" Johnny was confused by that jab.

Chuck sighed, "Just be careful, Johnny. Don't let them thread to far off the road." He walked away.

"The hell that supposed to mean!" Johnny asked him only to receive a shoulder shrug from Chuck.

"Good Luck!" Chuck shouted, walking back toward the way he came.

As the tournament was starting to begin, Chuck took his seat next to his little brother. The host started to introduce all of the dojos then Cobra Kai came out chanting their name with brand new Gi on before they lined up.

"Now that what I call a entrance!" The host praised them, "And a badass name for a dojo! Let's hear for Cobra Kai!"

Everyone cheered and clapped, even DJ but not Chuck who just watched.

Miguel looked over at Sam who turned away from him then he looked up to see Chuck who also had turned another direction from him.

"And finally, fighting unaffiliated from North Hills. We have Mr. Robby Keene!"

He didn't have many applause, but it was enough.

"Look, C! It's Robby!" DJ told as if Chuck couldn't see that, DJ stood up, "Hi, Robby!"  He waved.

Robby looked up to DJ, smiling and waving back at the kid then looked over at Chuck who took a brief look at him then turned his head as he went to his corner.

Give 'Em Hell, Robby Keene. ( Discontinued )Where stories live. Discover now