gang related interview

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Flashback  August  1996 Tupac POV  I can't  explain  why & none   I  shines n different  things nobody  else  everyone   shine there things  u can't  do I can't   basketball  like  every  black  person  in  America  but I can act I know how I can go  that true spot cause I live it everyday   I can be me I can go there I can be cause am true  to myself  normally  alot of people black  white  Mexican  young old   fat skinny  have a problem being thier  true selfs they have a problem  looking  in  the  mirror directly  in  their soul  the reason I can go to jail come out wit a stench  the reason  I can sell six  million  records  the reason I can walk around   I can look directly    face n find my soul it's there I didn't  sell it  it's still within me any character  I  am a bring  that intensity  that honestly   I have to  replay that blessing  by shine  of u give  that voltage  n u wasted it that s curse by wasted it  that voltage   its mine not that  is so great that  nobody  has but  all our gifts   n blessing  comes from black  jesus  or whatever  it's not really  tricky  anymore  can trap into  it  if they can go in that  spot   the cops doing what they  do   it always  my belief  that  they a whole gang into themselves  I believe that gangbangers  have good n bad like cops do  they got stress  they   have character  flows  that comes from their lifestyles.

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