Chapter One

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YN sat in an office in the S.H.E.I.L.D compound, a cup of coffee sitting cold on her desk. She had her head buried in her laptop, frown set deep on her expression. The knock at the door didn't startle her, but it did make her look up, for maybe the first time in three hours.

"Come in." She called, shutting the laptop and setting her features into a professional smile. "Hello, Mr. Barton."

"We had a meeting at noon?" YN nodded, getting up to shake his hand.

"That we did." She said, moving back to her seat after shutting the door. "Firstly, I'd just like to say that anything you say today will remain anonymous and if you feel you cannot answer one of my questions, you are more than welcome to take it to a legal representative to help you."

"Alright." Clint said bluntly, licking his lips. "What do you want to know?"

YN smiled before looking down to her file, opening it up to the desired page. "Your wife, Laura-"

"Now, wait a minute. What has she got to do with this?" YN narrowed her eyes, leaning back in her chair.

"I'm just trying to get a gauge of who you are, Mr. Barton. I meant no harm." Clint shifted in his seat, nodding his head reluctantly. "Okay, Laura, she and your children are currently being protected by S.H.I.E.L.D in a safehouse in Missouri, am I correct?" Receiving a nod, YN continued. "Do you see them often?"

"Not often enough." Clint sighed, rubbing his head. YN smiled sadly, nodding toward the obviously distressed man.

"Laura was an Agent for S.H.I.E.L.D?" Another nod. "Agent 19?" Another nod. "Why'd she retire?" Nothing. YN narrowed her eyes again, leaning forward onto the desk. "Mr. Barton, we cannot do good, if who is ordering us to do good, is bad. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Clint stared at YN for a moment, taking in her cool features, stoic expression and calm posture. He could spot a trained professional a mile away, and YN was good at her job. She gave no more than she wanted away, leaking hints into her words purposefully, but not obviously.

"You think someone high up is... doing bad, as you say?" YN smiled, small, barely even there, but Clint knew that he was meant to see it. "Who?"

"Well, to find that out, we need to work together. Is there anyone within S.H.I.E.L.D, that you've met, or even heard of, that has made you question their motives, even only slightly?" Clint opened his mouth to immediately disagree, to tell the agent that no, he had always felt completely in the know and trusting of the organization, but in truth, the archer had never known more than he had to. Now he was thinking he should have asked more questions.

"Can I get back to you on that?" YN nodded, closing her file softly. "It's just-"

"You have more than your job to protect, I get that." YN said, lifting her hands in peace. "But, please, know we are on the same side here. I'm not here to force anyone out of a job, or to ruin anyone's life. If the footprints in this place are clean? I won't leave any mess." Clint nodded, smiling slightly as he left the room.

YN sighed, resting her head against the wooden surface of her desk. Her phone ringing made a loud groan leave her mouth, her eyes nearly rolling into the back of her head. Lifting it, she made a face at the screen, nearly pressing the tempting red decline button.

Instead, she rested the phone at her ear, trying to stop her annoyance from filtering into her voice. "Special Agent Silver."

"Agent Silver, gotten anywhere with the investigation?" YN didn't hide the scoff that left her mouth at her colleague's words.

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