There's a new face in the neighbourhood

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Harry was just 15 years old but was already a strong believer of true love. His friends would describe him as sappy and naive but he was certain that everyone had a soulmate who they were meant to meet sooner or later. He really wanted it to be sooner for him though, he always found himself falling too fast and too hard even as young as he was.  Born and raised in Holmes Chapel, his family was small but very close. His mother Anne was a doctor, and his sister Gemma who was 6 years older than him had to leave for London to attend Uni but was always in touch and supporting her baby brother. Even though his family was small he never felt alone, since he had the best and most supportive friends, Zayn, Niall, and Jamie, who all lived around the neighbourhood, and went to school with him which made them kind of his brothers. 

Harry was all baby faced, green eyes, cheeky dimples, kind of big white goofy teeth, with adorable brown curls that he styled on a side swept bang, he was lanky but with still a tiny tummy from his youngest years, and soft love handles that he tried to hide. He knew how to charm even the coldest heart of them all, that much he was aware of. He was equally attracted by boys and girls, and it was no secret; when he couldn't stop staring at his sisters male friends and was so blatantly obvious, Gemma and his mother decided to give him 'The talk', which he really didn't need since the community was very open minded and all on board with sexual and gender fluidity. Even though he knew he was attracted to them he had never had any encounters with another boy, not even a kiss. He had that boy-innocence that gave people the instinct to protect  him at all cost but he was oblivious to it. 

- Chapter 1 -
The new neighbours
It was the beginning of the summer, the sun was bright and it was really warm, the wind was long gone making it harder to breathe and for everything to feel heavier. Summer break had just started and there was a feeling of expectation in the air. 
Harry was in the living room of his house, flat on his back on the black leather couch, wearing brown shorts. He was shirtless, his brown curls sticking on his forehead, sweat dripping out from the back of his neck as he faced the TV, throwing an eye on Niall and Zayn who were playing FIFA seated on the floor. And while Zayn seemed to be just as affected by the weather with a white tank top plastered with sweat and black shorts Niall seemed fresh as a cucumber completely unaffected by the high temperature around them. 
''I swear to you Niall I'm kind of hating you right now,'' Zayn whined while trying to keep sweat from coming to his eyes. Zayn had the most expressive hazelnut brown eyes, the longest eyelashes known in history, beautiful full lips that made him look like he was constantly pouting, short straight black hair that he usually styled on a quiff (today though he had it in a little mess thanks to the high temperatures) and generally very thin complexion."The control it's even slipping from my hands because I'm sweating buckets." he complained. He was wearing a black tank top that was plastered to his torso, grey shorts and black flip flops  
''Mate you two are just weak! there is nothing better than summer!'' Niall exclaimed. He had light blue eyes rounding on electric, just as his personality, he had blond-dyed hair, thin lips, the brightest smile that seemed to be stuck on his face even with braces that kind of gave the illusion of light reflection sometimes, but that just went along with Niall's personality, he just shined he was a little bit smaller than the other two boys, and skinny in general. He was bare from the waist up only wearing a pair of light blue shorts that matched his eyes and white flip flops.
''Shut up! You are just simply not human, I just know it.." Harry groaned exasperated, he could feel himself glued to the couch, he sat up having that chew-gum sticky sensation when his skin raised from the leather material. "Here's an idea, we could give that pool of yours a good use... What do you say, Ni?'' Harry requested, batting his eyelashes and portraying those big bambi eyes he knew well melted hearts. 
''Oh common, H,, i'm kicking Zayn's ass as we're speaking, you can't do this to me!'' Niall groaned with an air of annoyance. This guy was really serious about FIFA after all.
''I'll tell you what, there is no ass to be kicked because I'm leaving with H, you can stay and play all by yourself, mate, I cannot stand being here any longer. I feel like I'm about to melt into a puddle of sweat,'' Zayn replied while standing up, extending a hand for Niall to join. 
''Fine! But this means I won!'' Niall screamed while turning off the console. 
The three of them left Harry's house practically skipping, buzzing on the expectation of dipping in the cool water of the pool. When they were crossing the street to go to Niall's house they saw what seemed to be their new neighbours carrying boxes. Holmes Chapel was a small town and everyone knew each other, meaning that the news about the old married couple who had lived there moving out, and a new family moving in, spread like a virus. Everyone wanted to know who the new family was. 
''Have you heard anything about the new neighbours?'' Harry asked, curiosity taking the best of him. Him being the social butterfly that he was, loved to meet new people
''I heard it is a big family but nothing more than that, why?'' Niall shrugged while trying to cover his eyes from the sun. 
''Just curious I guess, I really liked the old couple that used to live there,'' Harry answered, remembering the sweet old lady he used to talk to from time to time. 
''You're so weird mate, think that maybe, if it is a big family we can make some new friends,'' Zayn stated, eyeing Harry like he grew a second head. 
''Heeeey,'' Harry pouted ''Don't judge me, they were nice people,'' he said, offended. ''Anyways, what is the plan for today? It's a good day to have some fun and I think everyone would appreciate it if we come up with something.'' 
''You're just saying that because you want a chance to spend your time with your beloved girlfriend, don't think you fool us H,'' Niall said with an accusatory but amused look. 
''Harry is so in loooove,'' Zayn sing sang, cackling hard. 
''Well I would like to enjoy my summer with her and my lads, what is wrong with that?'' Harry said, acting mad but they all knew there was no heat behind the words. 
''We can actually come up with a party, spray the word around the town. You know, since me parents won't be here for a little while,'' Niall said, completely ignoring Harry's question, rolling his eyes to him. "As long as the house stands unharmed they're not fussed about it," he shrugged.

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