Let the wounds heal

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Next weekend after all family visits for the graduated guys were gone they agreed to meet at Niall's house to start their last summer properly. Harry hadn't heard a word from Louis. Granted Harry hadn't texted him either, he thought it was normal that they needed space.

It was a cloudy Saturday, but what could you do? It was still England after all, so they had to make do with what they had.

Harry was getting ready for possibly a snuggle session watching movies or even a dip in the pool even if it was bound to be cold and the lack of sun wouldn't help. He just knew all of them had this sort of feel that they needed to make the most of this summer. They swore they would still keep in contact through the year but didn't really know what was coming. He walked calmly to Niall's house trying to set a positive mood and not ruin the mood with his heartbreak and impending moping due to his friends leaving. They still had a couple of months and he was going to clutch on that fact to enjoy today.

When he arrived at Niall's house the door was unlocked as always so he entered, took his shoes off, and went directly to the living room. And, okay it wasn't exactly awkward, but it was at the same time. They were all in couples; Niall and Hailee, Liam and Zayn, and Jamie and Caroline. Everyone turned to look at him and he felt he stood out like a sore thumb.

"I really feel like I'm interrupting some kind of orgie," Harry said in lieu of greeting, scratching the back of his head.

They all laughed simultaneously, Hailee giggling with red cheeks.

"Nah mate, we swear we will keep it PG-13," Niall said standing up and giving Harry a huge bear hug.

"Well, if you start to kiss at the same time I swear I'm leaving," Harry warned, looking at everyone and pointing with his finger. And then he realised. "Where's Louis?" He asked bemused.

There was an instantaneous change in everyone in the room. They all were looking everywhere but Harry's direction.

Eventually it was Liam who answered. "He left to Donny, he said he was going to say goodbye to his friend back home and then was going to leave straight to London, earlier than planned," He said scratching the back of his head.

"Sorry babe, he was here very early, gave us a quick hug and left without much explanation," Zayn added.

Harry thought they needed space and a little bit of time. Apparently what Louis meant with 'I can't do this anymore' was Harry's entire presence. He couldn't help but feel that he kept ruining things left and right. Some part of his mind was always chastising and blaming himself for all his ruined relationships.

He took a deep shaky breath after not being able to hide his shock and put his head in order again. "Well, I guess that means that is just us, like it always has been." Harry said with a tight smile on his lips. Louis had been part of the group dynamics for a short time, but he fit so well that it seemed like he belonged there with them in the pile of blankets and pillows.

"Yeah, just like the old times," Jamie added, always supporting Harry when it was clear that nobody was buying his nonchalance.

They kept things going, turned the AC on, laid on what looked like a nest, Harry was between Liam and Zayn who were sitting next to each other hugging sideways, and Niall had Hailee between his legs. Jamie and Caroline sat next to each other in front of him. Never had he felt so lonely in the company of his friends.

After a couple of movies everyone started to doze off, but Harry was restless, so he decided to slowly extricate himself from the rest. He silently went to the pool, sat at the edge and dipped his legs, looking at the sky, torturing himself with the memories of the last year. Everything happened so fast he feels like the year had gone in a blink of an eye.

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