Hard days good friends

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Harry was fast asleep, hair looking wild like a nest, his face plastered  on the pillow, dry drool on his left cheek when he was abruptly awoken by the incessant sound of his phone. He growled rolling on the bed refusing to open his eyes. He outstretched his hand taking his phone from the nightstand blindly, he accepted the call without checking who it was.

''Mmggff,'' Harry mumbled to let whoever it was know that he was listening.

''Morning sunshine!'' A thick Irish accent came from the other end. Loud, too loud and chirpy for Harry's liking.

''Oh my god, I'm gonna kill you,'' Harry yawned. He felt his head starting to pound and his mouth dry. He opened one eye to look at the clock on his nightstand and immediately regretted it. He forgot to close his curtains the night before and the light that slipped in through the window felt like daggers stabbing his eye. He growled louder this time. ''It's fucking nine in the morning, Niall! What did I ever do to you?'' 

''Cheer up Haz! Get up and get your ass in here, the lads stayed here last night and we're doing a movie marathon, you're the only one missing,'' Niall said, sounding annoyingly full of energy.

The events from the night before came flooding to Harry. The fight with Taylor, he needed to talk to her and sort things out, the conversation that went wrong with Louis, coming home fuming to receive an apologetic message, he was still pretty confused about that, but he guessed there was not point on overthinking, he didn't know when would he see Louis again, 'I will think about that later' he decided. Harry facepalmed and sighed, 'of course' he remembered, he was supposed to sleepover at Niall's.

''How aren't you hungover?'' Harry complained while planting his feet on the floor. He rubbed his face with the hand that wasn't holding the phone.

''Stop whining and fucking get here!'' he heard Jamie's' voice on the background.

''Oh lord! Okay, fine! Just please stop screaming,'' Harry said finally getting up and walking to the bathroom scratching his ass cheek. ''Gimme twenty minutes.'' he added and ended the call.

He had his morning wee, brushed his teeth, splashed cold water on his face feeling the grogginess rushing out of his system. He then faced the mirror. ''Jesus!'' he shouted-whispered under his breath. He was paler than usual, he had bags under his eyes and his hair was sticking out in every direction, curlier than ever.

Harry walked out of the bathroom to the kitchen, reaching a glass from the kitchen drawer and poured water into it. He gulped the glass of water in one go and then noticed a pink sticky note placed on the fridge.

 -Haz I took a double turn at the hospital today, I won't be coming home tonight, please text me if you're staying the night with any of the boys. Call me if you need anything. 

Love, Mom. -

He placed back the sticky note making a mental note to himself to ask Liam if he could stay over tonight and then went back to his bedroom feeling a little bit more human. He put a pair of grey baggy joggers on, a black tank top, a pair of black sneakers and took a black snapback and wore it backwards. He took his phone, his wallet and his keys and walked out of the house.

Harry walked the distance to Niall's house calmly, still feeling a little bit tired and dizzy. The temperature was rising but unlike the day before it was cloudy and the humidity was strong making him feel that much heavier. He arrived five minutes after and without announcing himself he went to open the door, he knew the guys would be waiting for him.

''Honey I'm hoome!'' Harry sing sang, he took his shoes out and placed them next to the door, and walked into the living room. He immediately felt the cool air from the AC making him feel goosebumps.

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