The cat is out of the bag

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Taylor was so absorbed in her bubble she didn't even realise someone was watching her.

"Don't come back again," Taylor said with a smirk on her face, practically talking into the guy's mouth. "You know I have a boyfriend, and nobody can see me with you," she added with a fake pout.

"Do I look like I care, Tay?" The guy answered, caressing her cheeks with his nose.

Harry felt the blood running from his face, a knot forming in his throat making it hard to breath, he swore he could hear something breaking inside of him, it was as if time suddenly stopped. His senses were abruptly blocked, his vision was blurry, he could see their mouths moving so he guessed they were still talking, but he couldn't hear them, he could see the tight grip that Louis had on his arm, but he couldn't feel it. A feeling of emptiness filling his chest, he felt laughed at, worthless.

It was always the same, Harry's relationships never lasted more than three months because they would either dump him without a trace of sympathy or cheat on him. Yes, Harry was young, he started dating when he was thirteen years old, and some may say that the fact that relationships don't last at that age is a given, but for him it was heartbreaking, he always let himself feel too much too fast. He always felt that his feelings had a level of intensity that no one really understood. To outsiders it could seem like Harry was a little womaniser since he jumped from relationship to relationship every two or three months, the thing was that he was used to falling in and out of love pretty fast, but he was never really the person in fault for his relationships to end. (or at least that's what he repeated to himself to feel better).

There was a reason his friends were overprotective of him, every breakup left him a little bit more broken, and it tore his self esteem by pieces, it made him feel that he wasn't enough for anybody, sure, he was able to gain their attention but never enough to make them stay. On the outside he would be the cheeky confident boy that charmed people, but inside he was starting to lose his confidence.

"Are you fooking serious right now?" Louis' thick accent brought him back to earth.

To him it felt like slow motion how he saw the exact moment when realisation dawned on Taylor, her face of complete shock and panic.

"Oh my god, H!" Taylor gasped, and pushed the guy that still had his hands on her ass, "This isn't what it looks like!" She continued, tears filling her eyes. 

"Do you think we're stupid Taylor?! We just saw you!" Louis spat, he looked very angry.

"Oh shut up, this is none of your business!" She quipped furiously, raising a dismissive hand not even looking at Louis' direction.

"You shut up," Harry mumbled, choked up. He didn't even know when he started to cry but they were tears streaming down his face. 

Louis turned to see him, expression unreadable. "Go home, Harry, you don't deserve this, don't give her the pleasure to see you're affected, mate," Louis whispered, only for Harry to hear.

Harry took a deep breath and wiped his tears with the sleeve of his t-shirt. "In case that it was not evident. This..." Harry said, signalling with his index finger between Taylor and him. "Is over, you don't have to worry anymore, you can bring him as much as you like," he deadpanned pointing towards the guy that was dead silent but with a smirk on his face.

"Baby, let me explain, please," Taylor tried with a soothing voice approaching Harry. 

"Don't even think about it Taylor, how much of an idiot do you think I am? Do not come near me, it's over, I'm going home," Harry said with a tone void of emotion, he was resisting the urge to sob. "Thanks for the pizza Louis, see you around," he finished, looking breevely at Louis and turned around walking home.

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