The word Love tastes sour in my mouth

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They were sitting on Zayn's bed having a talk, Harry had asked some help with homework and his friend was glad to help. Harry was getting a little bit behind with all the things that were currently happening in his life.

"So, she knows that you're not really into her?" Harry asked, laughing, placing a hand on his mouth to avoid being too loud.

"No, she says that she also thinks that Liam's into me as well, just too afraid to finally confess." Zayn smirked. "You know me H, I wouldn't mislead anyone like that, she's just a great friend and has a guy to make jealous as well. A win-win situation if you ask me," he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Aaand? Any progress whatsoever? We're pretty close to finishing the term Zee, you're going to graduate, do you know at least what you're doing after?" Harry continued, honestly curious.

"Well, we are both going to London, he asked me to be his roommate, so I guess that's some progress? He definitely gets visibly annoyed when Perrie is around, that is for sure!" Zayn said with joy in his voice.

"You seem very giddy, Zee, do you have any plans?" He had a suspicious hunch that something was being cooked in Zayn's head.

"Yup. You can bet your ass I am not going to be roomies with someone that I've been pining for for years if he doesn't likes me back..." Zayn said with determination. "I'm telling him the day we graduate," He informed, shocking Harry with this turn of events.

"Look, it's easier, if he likes me back we just start a new chapter living together and being cute boyfriends," Zayn smiled looking at the ceiling like he was able to see it all in his head. The smile slowly dropped and with a sad one he concluded. "And if he doesn't like me back we just go our separate ways to shake the awkwardness of, I'll lick my wounds, heal myself and then go back to friends, I won't let myself lose him entirely," Zayn shaked his head, seriously.

Harry considered Zayn's word and figured this was the best solution, the best way of not losing his chance because he didn't try but not having to face Liam for a while if worse came to worst.

"I'm sure no matter how it ends up everything will be alright, Zee," Harry said, giving his friend a hug.

"Thank you, babes." Zayn whispered.

There was a moment of silence, they both sprawled on the bed looking at the ceiling lost in their heads. Harry felt Zayn's gaze on him a couple of minutes later.

"You've changed a lot, H, really," Zayn said out of nowhere.

"Well yeah, I am now taller than all of you, and my hair it's getting longer," Harry joked, while shaking his curls. It was technically not a lie though, Harry had a growth spurt and was now up there with Jamie, he was maybe an inch or two taller than him. He was still adjusting to these changes, of course he had to buy a whole new closet, but he looked much older now, his curls were now reaching his chin and he appreciated how that made his features look sharper.

"I'm being serious H, don't think I didn't notice your phone constantly receiving messages that you were trying to ignore. Who was that?" Zayn asked, with a raised eyebrow. "Are you still dating that Lucas guy?" He was also letting his hair grow now. To Harry he looked insanely similar to Aladdin, really if he wouldn't be cheering for his friend to finally catch the love of his life he would be reconsidering that crush from the past. Zayn had an ethereal beauty that could make drool anyone who looked long enough.

"I don't date Zee, not anymore. Lucas was a good fuck that's all, it was actually Kendall wanting to see when can we have another round," he replied, with a small smile shrugging.

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