An old enemy a new threat.

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A/n: before I start I'm making a new prompt since y/n won't work for this story. So here's the new one.
Yv/n: your villain name.
I may make new prompts in the future.

3rd POV:

"My Lord", a metallic growl is heard. Breaking the silence in the metal room only being lit by the glowing (f/c) accents of energy that creates an aura of dominance to any who enter.

The growl comes from a metal being. Bipedal in nature much like a human but very skinny his only known features being his sharp golden shoulders, similar matching gold claws and one large red eye.

The identified being continues, "We have picked up a transmission from those pitiful rock species. They have decided to stop colonising more worlds and instead stand for peace. What should we-".

"If they believe that escaping to a smaller and lesser species than even their own kind perhaps we should see these fleshlings", a sinister echo interrupts the red eyed being.

The new being turns around, much larger in stature, his skin is pitch black and is covered in sharp pieces of metal as a form of armour avoiding a large orb of (f/c) energy located in his chest. The most menacing of this large being is their piercing (f/c) eyes made up of three rings the smallest acting as the iris with its background as empty as a void. On top of the being's head is an almost crown like helmet with the same glowing eye on a screen placed above his brow.

Intimidated by his gaze the lesser being kneels to his lord. Not daring to look up out of fear. The 'room' the beings are in begins to brighten leaving a long narrow bridge to which they are standing on. Behind the larger being is the dark depths of space only visible by a similar design of three (f/c) rings focusing on a planet in the distance.

The planet is small in comparison to the others in its solar system close to its sun but not too close. A noticeable greyish white orb circling the planet slowly. The planet itself is a light blue with splashes of greens and yellows dotting some areas more than others.

A shadow covers one of its sister planets this one is much larger than the blue sphere made up of brown and beige swirls that covers it. Just above the planets is an orb rivalling it's godly size but is composed of large slabs of metal with the same glowing (f/c) found on the commanding being. Surrounding the metal planet were sharp protrusions pointing away from the giant glowing (f/c) eye that was focusing on the unaware blue speck.

Steven's POV:

After sorting out the issue with Spinel the Diamonds decided to help with the reconstruction of Beach City and little Homeworld. Everything was going great until a siren had sounded from the head of White Diamond's ship. In a look of confusion I turned to White Diamond for an answer to the siren but when I turned around I saw a look that I've never seen before. Fear.

"No. It can't be. They disappeared?" The tallest of the Diamonds spoke.

"W-What's wrong?", I asked in slight fear.

"He's coming here. I'm so sorry Steven, I thought he had perished long ago. If he's coming here we should prepare ourselves.", White kneeled in front of me with a somber tone. Looking up she called up to all the gems in the area, her voice reaching as far as Little Homeworld. "This is an order of severity all warrior gems come to the shore! This must be followed the Ultralinks are coming to Earth. Blue, take Steven and his group to the temple hopefully he isn't coming for a war but in case I am shattered you must guide the other gems. Yellow, stand with me if there is any issues escape to Homeworld and alert all forces.", White stated.

What's an Ultralink? Who is he?

These questions plagued my mind wanting to get an answer I turned to Blue hoping for some sort of guidance.

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