Chapter Eighteen: Eliana

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The world twisted and turned as we entered the next part of my memory. Ivan looked pained, but he wanted to experience this. I held his hand reassuringly as my past self laid on a sickbed.

We could hear my voice mumbling more names in my sleep. He squeezed my hand, not realizing I'd carried the burden of all of the people we had lost over the years.

I opened my eyes bolting upright. My armor had already dried. I quickly removed the IV tube from my arm and applied pressure for a moment before swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. The bleeding stopped, and slid my boots on.

I made my way back to my room. I closed the door behind me and turned, crashing into a large body. "I am going with you," called out Eric's gruff voice.

"This is not up for debate," I growled at him, moving around the room and gathering my few belongings. I strapped my sword to my belt, and gathered my quiver and bow before grabbing the small satchel I had come here with.

"Which is why I didn't ask. I am clanless, but I can tell you will one day be a warrior of great significance. It would be an honor to serve at your side," he spoke. Clanless, I knew what that was like. My family was gone too.

"I have prepared two horses with provisions in their saddlebags. We leave as soon as you are ready," Eric spoke.

"I must return to my kingdom and report to my king. I cannot guarantee you a place as a warrior within our ranks, but I can vouch for you."

"Thank you," he nodded.

After a day's ride, we arrived at a small village halfway through our journey. The place was nearly deserted. As we approached the main road, a woman exited a building and ran to us.

"Leave while you still can! This land is cursed!" she screamed and wept. I slid off of my horse.

"What is wrong?" I spoke reaching out to soothe her.

"They killed all the men and took all the children," she wept.

"When?" I asked.

"This an hour or two ago," she continued. "They said if we tried to free then, they'd kill them."

Which way did they go?" I asked fury coursing through my veins. They always left the mothers behind so that when the children became full fledged adult soldiers, they could prove their loyalty by returning to their homelands and slaying their mothers.

She raised a shaky hand toward the forest, and off we rode. As we approached, I could hear the sounds of crying children. I climbed off of my horse, and Eric followed suit. "Wait one moment," I whispered. Climbing a nearby tree to get a better view.

Four guards stayed with the caravan. One drove the carriage, one at the rear, and one at either side. I could hear the children in the large carriage.

I climbed down the tree silently and relayed what I saw to Eric. After agreeing to take the prisoners alive if possible we formed a plan.

We took out the enemy silently from the back, then split to take the two at the sides. I climbed onto the top of the carriage and dropped down onto of the driver, quickly putting him into a sleeper hold.

I grabbed the reigns and slowed the horses until the carriage came to a stop. We bound the men and tied them to the roof of the carriage before checking on the children. All were safe and unharmed.

We gathered our horses, Eric walked with the band I drove the carriage back to the village. We gathered their mothers and returned to the kingdom.

The world twisted and turned as we exited the memory.

"I remember that day," Ivan spoke. "You returned home and requested new homes and jobs for those women as well as schooling for their children. You and Eric saved them and gave them a whole new life," he spoke sadly.

"Yes," I nodded. "But it wasn't enough. Children were, and are still being taken.

"Eric was a good man and a powerful warrior. I was shocked and saddened to hear of his passing," Ivan spoke softly, placing a hand on my cheek.

"I still am, and I was there," I said sadly. "Some days it's just so hard to believe."

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