Bloody Nose

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Akali: Up!

Y/N: Owwwwwwwwww–what the fuck Akali? You didn't have to kick me!

Akali: You weren't getting up. We got places to be and people to see!

Y/N: Oh, right. We get to punch my cousin in his stupid face.

Akali: Bingo, so wake up sunshine!

She walked over to the window and flipped the blinds. You cringed and hissed as the deadly UV rays singed your vampire skin.

After your eyes adjusted to the blinding rays, you looked around your newly furbished room.

After talking with Ahri and the girls at dinner a couple of days ago, you had agreed to help them with their little project for the next couple of years, only after a fair amount of begging and groveling on Akali's part. The girls decided that it would be best to use the Lustros family home as a base of operations. Since Ahri's sister left the house to her, she said that you could personalize your rooms as much you like.

Yesterday consisted of painting the rooms, buying new beds, and getting whatever miscellaneous things you would need for the duration of your stay. Ahri had essentially given you a blank check to gather everything you would need so long as you provided her with all the receipts.

You and Akali had gone paint shopping at the local store. Since you had worked at a paint store for a college job you were the best suited for the task. Akali went with you because, well she was basically your official shadow at this point. She came in handy when it came to translating what you wanted though–good thing too as no one there spoke English.

You left the store with eight gallons of paint; satin gray for you, satin white for Ahri, satin purple for Kai'sa, and flat black for Evelynn. Akali had gotten the glossiest pink she could find and then somehow found a bright gold color to do the accents and trim with.

After being scarred on a deep and emotional level by Akali's choice in color, you had come back to the house to find a moving truck's worth of packages. You didn't get to see what was in most of them, but one of them contained your new bed and a very nice oak desk, like your old one back home.

Akali: Oh don't be a baby, the girls are already ready to go. Meet us at the car in 5. Oh, Ahri wants us all to wear those matching black outfits we got. And do something with that hair, no bedhead, bosses orders. No matter how cute it makes you look.

She ruffled your hair and left the room, giving you a playful wink as she left.

Y/N: That woman.


It was hard to not notice someone like the boy sitting across the cafeteria. He was a head taller than the biggest athletes and had musculature that would put a Greek God to shame. The boy named Hawk had transferred to the school two weeks ago and quickly become the center of attention.

The guys were aggressive with him at first, he was as different as you could get; language, skin tone, hair color, height. All of it made him stand out like a sore thumb.

But one aspect that stood above the rest was his kindness. A few of the usual suspects attempted to bring him low. They insulted him, tripped him, shoved him. One kid, tall and slender, named Seo-Jun, actually threatened his life for making moves on his girlfriend. The unfortunate part was that Hawk hadn't even hit on the girl, he was just asking for directions and was having a hard time getting his message across and she took it the wrong way.

Hawk didn't fight back; he just smirked that confident smirk of his and reached out a hand. He said that he was sorry for the misunderstanding and that offered to buy them lunch the following day because 'they seemed like cool people'. Two days later Ahri saw them both sitting at the same table, talking and joking like old friends. The male population of the school quickly learned that there was no need to posture with Hawk. He wasn't the type to go after someone's girl and would only interact with you if he thought you needed help with something. You always knew where you stood with him, everyone did. Everyone except for a certain fox.

K/DA: The Reluctant Writer (Male Reader x Akali)Where stories live. Discover now