You're.. What?

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Beth's pov:

"I need to make that decision, on my own." I insisted, knowing that Jessica would instantaneously disagree. And as usual, I was right. "But... it's his baby.." I could tell by the tone in her voice that this conversation was about to get out of hand very quickly... that I would either yell at her and tell her to leave or I'd walk out myself... either one, it wouldn't be good. "My baby." I corrected, pushing myself off the bed so I was in a comfortable distance of Jessica, and close enough to the door so I could get ready to walk out. "You have to tell him!" Tears began to prick my eyes as i looked towards the bedroom door, Jessica's heavy stare piercing into the side of my head again. I knew i couldn't face her right now, i couldn't face any of it. Getting out of here was my only option, before i made the biggest decision of my life. So obviously, being the coward I was.. I stormed out, and it wasn't long until Jessica followed me out, but I refused to argue. "This isn't just about you, Beth!" Jessica prompted, both her arms slapping down against her thighs. "Michael has the right to know." Anger began to boil up inside of me, a hot sizzling anger that I swear could've burned through all of my veins. I loved Jessica dearly, but right now.. I was more than ready to slap her down... hard. I wiped the dryness away from the corner insides of my lip, and a small, tiny laugh escaped from them unexpectedly. "This is none of your business." I protested, glaring out her with the most angered expression I could possibly pull off.. anything to scare her off for a while. But that wasn't happening.. she was going to treat me like a child and warn me as to what was right and what was wrong. But there was no way I was going to take that from her. Not in this lifetime. But I didn't expect her to yell her next words out so loud.. "But you're pregnant!" A weird uncomfortable silence filled the room for a short period of time, mostly because I refused to speak.. but the next words, surprisingly didn't come from her mouth. "You're, what?" Both mine and Jessica's necks cranned in the direction we heard the voice come from, to find Frank.. Yes, Frank, Michaels manager... standing with Mark and Michael H within the door way. Oh god, no.. this was bad. This was very bad. "Frank..." I breathed, still struggling to come to terms with his presence. "Wha- what are you doing here?" A hundred million things were running through my mind. If Frank knows I'm pregnant, that means he could.. or would go back and tell Michael. Word will get out, but if I get rid of the baby I'll be the worst in the world. Everyone would hate me. Well, fuck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2015 ⏰

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