Words unspoken.

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Beginning To End:

Part 14:

Beths pov:

I stared down at Michaels soft hand in mine, feeling small, needy, and completely ashamed. Hating that i'm so incapable of hiding my jealousies and insecurities, hating that they're so transparent and clearly displayed. I had no idea what to tell him, and when he rose on his feet, his face just inches from mine, every feeling i'd held back for over 15 years just left my system completely. I leaned in and pressed my lips against his, waiting until i felt that this was okay with him, until he kissed me back. All of that music visualing had been replaced by something far more immediate, as he pushed me softly up against the cd rack behind me, covering my body with his, the two of us merging like crumbled vines seeking the sun.

His fingers snaked under my top, sliding.along my stomach to the edge of my bra as i close my eyes and whisper, "I love you." Words i once kept to myself.

Hearing his soft muffled groan as he released the clasp on my bra, so effortlessly, so perfectly, nothing awkward or fumbling about it.

Every move he made was so graceful, so perfect. Maybe too perfect.

"What's wrong?" He asked as i pushed him away. His breath coming in short shallow gasps as his eyes seek mine. "Nothing's wrong." I whispered, adjusting my top.

Michael sighed, releasing his hands off me and moving away.  I press my lips together, knowing whats next.

He finally stopped and faced me.

"Beth, I'm not going to rush you or anything. I just thought this is what you wanted."

"It is." I said, before he could say anything else.

He looked at me, his lips pressed together, his eyes tinged with doubt.

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