Revenge is sweet.

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"Beth!" ""Beth I love you" "Beth please sign my album" "Beth Michael is so stupid for letting you go"
It was all just a buzzing sound in the room, with all different voices. Flashing cameras were shoved in my face along with hands and screaming fans.
There wasn't anything I could, apart from say "I love you" as much as they could hear me and smile at them. There was no time for autographs, pictures, or hugs, my aim was to get to the hotel, unpack and go for a wonder around the big city.
"Step back, please!" Mark protested, pushing through the crowd of the media and fan frenzy. I could feel the fans pulling on my clothes and my skin, but Marks hand was the firmly gripped around my wrist as he pulled me along.
It was never usually this bad, with the mobs and all, but this was insane, I had never experienced anything like it.
And just like that, it was all over, no more screaming, no more grabbing and pulling, the only sound i could hear was the sound of my heart beating rapidly and my hard heavy breaths that continued to escape from my lips.
"Was not expecting that." I sighed out heavily, watching the fans outside of the limo try and chase us down, but it was too late, the high way was already so close ahead of us.
"I don't think anybody was." Mark chuckled, resting his head back on the head of car seat, resting his eyes shut for just a brief moment before opening them again to glance over at me.
He stared at me, like he'd just come up with one of his fantastic ideas. I knew it would be bad, because they never usually worked.
"What..?" I asked warily, raising an eyebrow with suspicion and concern.
"You know.." He began, a smirk gradually forming on his face. "You could get back at him."
I peered back at him, never had I been so confused in my entire life. "Come again?"
"Michael. You could get back at him. But we just need one thing."
All I could do was shake my head and giggle to myself. Revenge had never been my cup of tea, I didn't really see the point of it, my motto had always been 'two wrongs don't make a right' and I was going to stick by that. Unless this idea of Marks was really really really, really good.
"You've got many number one hits," He noted with the first finger on his hand. "But you're gonna need a whole album of hits."
I rolled my eyes and immediately crossed my arms, "I didn't come here for that!" I protested, staring out the car window at all the advertising billboards that were displayed as we entered the city.
"Yes, Beth, I know."
I refused to meet Marks gaze, there was no way I was going to work here. I was here to forget and have a good time, not plan to compete professionally with my ex lover.
"Who knows, maybe someone here will help you."
I could feel Mark's smirk without even looking at him, and as soon as I did, it was still there.
"Oh, look! A fancy bar!"
We're his last words to protect himself from the subject.

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