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Third P.O.V

Shadows ran downstairs to go for breakfast. At least the burn in her neck was gone.Trunks,Bluma,and Vegeta where all ready down their. Trunks was eating his breakfast so did Vegeta and Bluma.

"Good morning" Shadows said

"Morning" they all said

Shadows put her cloak on the chair and went to go make herself something to eat. I grabbed a bowel,milk, and cereal. Then went to the table to eat. Bluma, Vegeta, and Trunks where talking about something but Shadows wasn't paying attention to the conversation at all. She was thinking about what's going to happen today at the Tourment. She had a bad feeling about today. Also Shadows was thinking what happened yesterday. Was it an act of love or not? What's wrong with her. She didn't feel like she was normal. When Shadows was done she put her bowel in the sink and so did Trunks and the others. They where getting ready as Shadows went to brush her teeth.

"I am going out with out you guys." Shadows said as she was done with brushing her teeth.

"Ok" said Bluma

Shadows grabbed her cloak,headphones and headphones. She ran out the door with her skateboard. The girl put the cloak on before she left the house. Her tail was swaying back and fourth.

Bluma's P.O.V

I have a bad feeling about Shadows today. For some reason something bad is going to happen to her. I still feel bad on what happened yesterday. I didn't mean to tell her yet but she was going to find out soon enough. Shadows will be competing in with Vegeta and the other Z fighters. But it's going to be giving me heart attacks when she goes up and fights.

"Mom are we going" said Trunks coming down the stairs

"Yea lets go"

Shadows P.O.V

I finally got to my destination. I saw that all the Z fighters where their all ready. So was Vegeta as well. He must have left when I left. I put my headphones around my neck. The hood to my cloak was still on my head. Then Goku turned around and saw me.

"Hi Shadows"

"Hi Goku"

"Goku who is this girl" asked a man that was green

"Yea who is she" said a man with black hair with 6 dots on his head.

"This here is Shadows"

"Hi guys"

Everybody introduced themselves to me. They are really nice people.

"Why don't you remove that hood of yours Shadows."

I did what I was told and everybody was pretty much in shock. Goku told everything on how they found me and everything. Vegeta saw me that I was full of anger. Goku looked at me that I was mad. Then footsteps where heard and I knew it was Trunks and Bluma.

"Why are you mad"

"She is probably still mad at me"


"I never told her about Chi-Chi finding her and that I took her in."

I just walked right passed everybody to go inside. I didn't want to deal with this anymore. I could hear voices in my head for what ever reason but I don't care. I put back my hood so the normal people don't see my hair. They would just be staring at me like a freak of nature.It took forever for things to start. Their was a punching machine that every person had to do. I had to do it as well. I had gotten at least 600 on mine. Vegeta was pretty amazed and the others. But first it was the junior tournament, so Goten and Trunks had to go.

Trunks had won the Junior Tourment. I am not surprised at all. I was listen to music the whole time. The girl that was next to Gohan was shocked about the two being able to fly and transformed to super sayain. The voices in my head where really bothering me so much. The voices also sounded familiar as well. I don't know where I heard it before. The voice said "You are going to die.", "you are not going to win." "You are just like Goten but weaker."

I just walked out of where they where standing. They didn't care if I had left. I just want to know who it was. Was it my dad? Or my mom? The voice wasn't really clear enough. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder as I was walking. It made me stop walking. I turned to see a man dressed in a lab coat. With jeans and flannel. The colors of the flannel where blue and black. His hair was a grey type of color. As for his eyes it was changing on the light of sun,moon,or room. The man also has a halo as well.

I don't own Dragonball Z expect for Shadows and other characters.

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