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Shadows P.O.V

"Who are you?"

"You will find soon enough" he said as he put his hand down from my shoulder and left. I was an complete stand still. My mind can't tell what happened just now. I turned back around and continued to walk to the board with all the matches on their. I saw my name and saw that I was up against called Spopovich. I thought that girl that was next to Gohan was going against him. I guess she bailed out of that match. Everybody was walking around me like nobody's business. They didn't seem to mind walking into me like douchebags. I had put the headphones around my neck and walked to where the Tourment was going to start.The junior Tourment was pretty boring me. Also I realized it was the first match too.I am pretty much scared because this is my first match ever. Before I left they all had told me not to scared and to stay focus. I am panicking and can't come down. But I don't show any of it to anybody.

When I had got their and was standing by a man that was really buff. It looked like he was on sarodes. So I guess this is Spopovich and he is a really muscular man too. He had a "M" on the middle of his forehead.As I was walking to the I saw where they where they where sitting. Also the man I ran into early. There were people from my school as well. Jack,Tony,Kitty,and Yuka where their sitting behind Goku, Vegeta, Gohan and Piccolo.We got to the stadium and had few feet away from us. Me and Spopovich got into our fighting stance.

"Ladies and Gentleman well come to the first match of the 25th World Martiel Arts Tournament. The first match of the tournament is between Shadows and Spopovich. Let the match begin!"

The people sitting where in the stands where cheering. After a few seconds the cheering had died out. It was really quite.


He changed at me. When the fist came I blocked it and it knocked down my hood.

"Not normal ain't ya" he said

"Why do you care."

He grabbed my neck. I couldn't breathe at all. Then threw me at the stands. As I was about to collide with the stands I vhansised behind him. I threw some blasts at him. He turned around to see that he was impressed with me.

"Not bad kid. It's too bad you have to die."

He charged at me again. As I tried to dodge he stepped on cloak. It came off and now my gold tail is exposed but who gives a damn. He kicked me in the stomach and then hit me in the back. I quickly got up and tried to punch him. He grabbed my fist and use a blast in my face. I got a go distance from Spopovhich.

"Like I care if I die. I whole exist was a life from the beginning."

Everybody was gasping about how I looked as for my tail as well. I heard them say things like; 'How does she have a tail' 'She is a freak' 'She is monkey kid'

He then grabbed my leg. Now my face was facing his. Then he kept punching my face. He threw me at the ground face first.

"You are so weak" he said

I didn't say anything as I got up. My head hanged low. As anger has over taken me my power had gone up. Then everything went blank.

Mysterious Man P.O.V

Just as I planned. She is getting even more stronger I expected. The clones appear all around the place. I am really impressed with her now.

"Spopovich wouldn't know what hit him."I said with a smirk

"How so you know that" the man next to me

"Cause of the clones and her power level. Are you a saiyan as well. Sense her power level."

The man was in total shocked and sense her power level.

I don't own Dragonball Z expect Shadows and other character

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