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So this is the special thing I told you all about. You guys know that I ship Jason Todd and Sally McKenna like crazy, so I wanted to give you guys the reasons why I think they're perfect together. I never thought  I'd finish this, but I actually did. I hope you all like this. Forgive me for it being so long. 😅 Picture made by gabbyshott Thank you so much again! 🥺❤

1.  They've both lived horrible lives.

When Jason was born, his father, Willis Todd (who got into some bad trouble with a crime lord), tried to sell newborn Jason to buy off his debt, but instead, they beat Willis up and gave him back baby Jason. Willis eventually was murdered on Jason's thirteenth birthday.

Jason's mother, Catherine Todd, was a drug addict who overdosed when Jason was just a kid, leaving him an orphan and homeless at fifteen. He was a skilled thief, stealing whatever he could to survive, leading him to meet the Dark Knight himself while trying to steal the tires off the Batmobile. He soon became the boy wonder, Robin, for a few years before he was eventually kidnapped and murdered by Joker at eighteen.

Sally, on the other hand, we don't know that much about (since we didn't really get that much of a backstory on her). All we really know is that she grew up with a man named Juan Moacanda in the Valley, who became a big time drug dealer. Sally would sell the drugs for him, where she made a lot of druggie friends; including Nick Harley and Tina Black. Then in 1994, while shooting up heroin with a man named Donavan, which caused him to overdose, Sally was pushed out the window of the Cortez by Donavan's mother, Iris, falling to her death.

I really feel Jason and Sally could relate to each other about each other's lives.

2.  They both have a lot of similar interests.

They both like to drink (any kind of alcohol, honestly) and smoke, and I feel they would both like the same type of music too. I can imagine them in Sally's room, laying on the bed, smoking and drinking while listening to music. And I don't know about all of you, but I think Sally could relate to Jason's bad temper. Sally can be the type of person where if she's in a bad mood, she could easily snap at someone at any time (as we've seen in Hotel before).

3.  They both have their share of scars.

For Jason, since he fought crime as Robin (and now as Red Hood), he has gotten a lot of scars over the years. Just to name a few, the J brand on his cheek, which he got from The Joker when he was kidnapped and tortured, bullet wounds on his chest (the most noticeable one just above his heart, which he also got from The Joker), cuts on his forearms, all over his back and torso, his arms, his legs, and everywhere else you could possibly think of.

For Sally, the scratches on her collarbones from when she hit the ground, and the track marks on her arms and in between her fingers. I can imagine them examining each other's scars and telling stories of how they got them. And I can imagine Sally softly kissing every scar on his body while she whispered in his ear how beautiful she thinks he is (man, just thinking about that makes my fangirl heart melt 🥺).

4.  They both just want to be loved by someone.

Because of Jason's life and everything that has happened to him over the years, he feels his scars make him ugly and a freak, and because of what happened to him when he was brought back from the Lazarus Pit, he feels like no one could ever love someone like him.

As for Sally, we all know that she has massive abandonment issues and she'll do anything to keep the person she loves with her forever (even if she has to sew that person into the mattress). But I feel if Jason and Sally got together, Sally would know that Jason would never leave her or betray her, and Jason would know that Sally truly loves him, scars and all, and she would love him with everything in her.

5. They comfort each other.

After what happened to Jason when he was kidnapped and tortured by The Joker for a year, he suffers horribly from night terrors. Thrashes around in bed, gripping the sheets till his knuckles turn white, sweats profusely, cries and talks in his sleep... but I feel that Sally would always be able to help him calm down when he has a nightmare. She'd wake him up and hold him in her arms as tight as she could, gently rocking back and forth, softly shushing him and kissing his head, as well as whispering in his ear that he's alright, she's right there, and how much she loves him, trying to bring him back to reality.

As for Sally, I feel whenever Jason would come back after being out on patrol or having to go on missions, to find Sally at the bar or in their shared room, crying, he'd immediately rush to her and hold her as tight as he can in his arms, kissing every square inch of her face while reassuring her that he'll never leave her and he loves her more than anything in the world.

6. They show their love for each other.

For Jason, he shows his love for Sally in many ways. Whenever they're together at the bar, he keeps a hand on her at all times, whether it's holding hers, keeping his hand on the small of her back, or having his arm wrapped around her waist or neck. He'd have a special ringtone for her whenever she'd call, and he'd have her down as "Doll", "Baby", or "Princess" for her contact. He'd definitely have a picture of her as his wallpaper on his phone. It would most likely be one that is really special to him, like her sleeping in bed, or one of them together.

He'd keep a special folder in his gallery of nothing but pictures he's taken of her, or ones Sally's taken herself when she'd secretly swipe his phone while he's busy. There'd be all kinds of different ones of her: her being cute, making kissy faces or blowing a kiss at the camera, her being silly, sticking her tongue out at the camera and making silly faces (there's also most likely to be some R rated pictures, but we're not gonna go into that 🤭). And I know he would absolutely get a tattoo of Sally's name on him somewhere so every girl that sees him would know to step off and he's happily taken.

For Sally, she'd do a lot of the same things. Always have to be holding his hand, or his arm, she'd have him down as "Jaybird", "Baby", or "My soulmate" in her contacts, have a million and one pictures of him in her phone, and she'd always wear a piece of jewelry that he bought her (a necklace with a J on it, or a bracelet with a robin on it as a remembering of when he was the boy wonder). And I know whenever they would be at the bar together, and some girl would be eyeing Jason, Sally would either stare the girl down, giving her the most evil and terrifying glare you've ever seen, or she'd do things in front of the girl to let her know Jason is Sally's and Sally's only, like suddenly makeout with him or give him a TON of affection.

(Little scenario in my head)

When Sally pulls away, Jason's face is throughly flushed, looking surprised. "What's gotten into you, doll?" Sally grins and wraps her arms around his neck. "Just letting everyone know who you belong to, baby."

I honestly don't remember exactly how or why I decided to ship these two, but I am so glad I did, and I will never regret it. To me, they're perfect together, and no one can change my mind.
Jason Todd & Sally McKenna: soulmates forever. ❤

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