Sally And Jason Questions

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So I found this ship question thread on Twitter and I decided to take the questions and answer them in here about Sally and Jason. I put their names in the questions cause I just felt like it. 😋 Hope you guys like this! 😊🖤🦇

1. What was the first impression like when Jason and Sally first met one another?

It was pretty much love at first sight. Sally saw Jason first and was immediately head over heels for him. When Jason locked eyes with her, he knew right then and there his heart belonged to her and only her.


. What is Jason and Sally's anniversary?

October 30th, Devil's Night. The night they met. They officially became boyfriend and girlfriend about a week after.

3. Who looks more forward to holidays and special occasions?

I'd say Sally, cause she finally gets to spend these times with someone she loves, and Jason finally has a reason to be happy during these times as well.

4. What holiday is Jason and Sally's favorite to celebrate?

I'd say Valentine's Day. They'd get to shower each other with love (more than they usually do), and they'd be having a LOT of... quality time together, if you get my meaning. 😳🤭

5. If Jason And Sally were to be described in one to five words, what would it be?


6. What pet names or nicknames do Jason and Sally like using?

For Sally, he calls her "doll", "baby", "babe", and "princess". For Jason, she calls him "Jaybird", "babe", "lover", and jokingly, "Hood".

7. What matching outfits would Jason and Sally wear?

Well, Sally loves to wear Jason's shirts and jackets all the time, so he's always sharing his clothes constantly with her. 😄

8. Who likes physical affection more?

Definitely Sally. She honestly can't keep her hands off Jason. Holding his hand, his arm, hugging him, cuddling in bed with him, etc.

9. Who is more of an early riser?

I think maybe Sally, even though she can be just as lazy as Jason.

10. What song represents Jason and Sally?

This song seriously fits them so well. 😭

11. Do Jason or Sally show their care through their actions rather than words?

They both definitely make sure to show each other how much they love one another through hugs, kisses, or making love.

12. Expose Jason and Sally's wallpapers.



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13. Is there a certain scent that Jason and Sally give off (ex. lavender, honey, apple, roses, peach )?

Alcohol (various kinds), cigarettes, and sex. Oh, and Sally's perfume. Jason always has a hint of her perfume on him. Gotta mark her territory. 🤭

14. List the reasons why Sally and Jason feel comfortable/safe around each other.

For Sally, she feels comfortable around Jason because he makes her feel beautiful and sexy and comfortable in her own skin. And she feels safe around Jason because he's big and strong and she knows he can protect her if someone ever tried to hurt her. For Jason, he feels comfortable around Sally cause she shows him how much she loves him and how beautiful he is, inside and out and that his scars don't matter.

That was all the questions I had saved, so I hope you all enjoyed this and learned more about Jason and Sally together. 🖤🦇

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