Beautiful Eyes

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Hey everyone! Hope you all like this! I'm pretty proud of this one. 🖤🦇❤

Jason has been on a mission for about two weeks, and the whole time, he's been staying at the Hotel Cortez. He enjoys the atmosphere, the drinks, and the company of Liz at the bar, but the one thing he enjoys the most, is spending time with Sally. He is completely head over heels for her. Everything about her is perfect in his eyes. Her beautiful smile, the way she bites her lip makes his heart beat faster, her chocolate brown eyes, and the way they shine when the light hits them... "Wow..." "Wow what, Jaybird?" He snaps out of his trance when he hears Sally's voice. "Oh shit... I just said that out loud." Jason tries to play it off, but is failing miserably. "N-nothing, was just um... amazed at how good this drink is."

Sally chuckles with a devious glint in her eyes, she loves seeing Jason get all flustered over her. Then she started to feel her fangs starting to come out, and she could feel her eyes were burning from starting to turn red. She covered her mouth and started to groan from the pain. "Sal? You ok?" Jason scoots closer to her and puts a hand on her shoulder. She aggressively jerks away from him. "I'm fine! Just leave me alone, Jay!"

She gets up from her seat and runs away to her room. "What's going on with her?" "You really don't wanna know, honey." Liz replied, while cleaning some of the glasses on the table. Jason gets up and decides to follow Sally to see if she's ok. He gets to her room and can hear her crying and groaning in pain from behind the door. "Sally? Sally, are you alright?! Let me in!" "Go away!" She yelled back in a demonic like voice, one Jason's never heard before. "Sal, c'mon, let me in! I need to know if you're ok..." Sally was laying on the floor, in the fetal position, with her hands on her head, screaming and crying her eyes out.

"Just leave me alone... I don't want to hurt you..." Jason finally had enough and managed to kick her door open. "Sally! Sal, you ok?" He gets on his knees to help her but she tries to shove him away. "Stop... please leave me alone... I don't want to hurt you, Jason..." "What are you talking about, Sal? What's going on? Are you alright? Do you need to-" as he was trying to ask her if she was alright, she grabbed him by the throat, and shoved him up against the wall. "I said leave me alone, Jason!" She yelled in that demonic like voice. She threw him down on the bed, and straddled his hips.

She was growling and hissing into his ear, like an animal, her lips only centimeters from his neck. "Sally, fuck... please don't..." she looked into his green eyes and could see the fear in them. Her face began to falter, her eyes began to fade back to brown, and her fangs started to retract back into her gums. She groaned in pain, rolling off of Jason and onto the bed. "Sally, are you ok?! Look at me, Sal, look at me..." she slowly started to calm down, and opened her eyes to find Jason's piercing green eyes looking into her soft, brown ones.

"Jason..." she says barely above a whisper, with tears in her eyes. He sits her up and starts to wipe away her tears. "Shhh... it's ok, you don't have to talk, alright?" "I'm so sorry, Jason..." She then breaks down and grips onto Jason like he's her lifeline. "Shhhh, I got you... it's alright..." "No, it's not alright!" She pushes him away and gets off of the bed, pacing back and forth. "I'm a fucking monster!" "No, Sally, you're not a monster... you're the furthest thing from it." He takes her hand, and sits her back down onto the bed. "Sal? Look at me... Please? Let me look at those beautiful eyes of yours?"

Sally looked up at him, a look of shock and a tinge of pink on her cheeks. "What did you say?" "I said, let me look at those beautiful eyes of yours... cause they are beautiful..." they both look into each other's eyes and Jason can see a little glint of red in her's. "Sal... your eyes... they're-" Sally turned her head away in shame. "No, I didn't mean anything bad by that. I was gonna say they're beautiful... like you." she turned her head back to look at him and gave a sad smile. "You honestly think that?" He starts to lean in closer, his lips only centimeters from her's. "Yes... I do."

He closed the gap between them, kissing her softly but passionately. She pulled away, blushing and biting her lip. "I love it when you bite your lip like that." She gave him a smirk and kissed him again, this time harder and more passionate then the last. "So what happened to you? What made you like this?" She put her head on Jason's shoulder, with his arm around her waist. "The Countess. She thought if she could turn me, I could leave this place, but I can't... I'm still trapped here..."

Jason pulled her in close, running his fingers through her hair, and kissing her head to calm her down. "What happened earlier? You looked like you were in pain. You were crying and screaming and it scared the fucking shit out of me..." Sally intertwined her fingers with his, and kissed his cheek. "I guess since I'm still new at being turned, my teeth hurt whenever they come out. They only come out when I'm hungry, angry, or..." "or what?" She got a mischievous grin on her face and pushed Jason back onto the bed, straddling him. "When I'm horny..."

Jason Todd x Sally Mckenna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now