Souls Entwined

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Hey everyone! I hope you all like this! Let me know what you think! 🖤🦇

The alarm rang at 7 am. Jason groaned softly as his hand was searching for the snooze button. When he finally found it, he sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to make his eyes adjust to the light. After his eyes adjusted, he felt something coil around his waist and heard a small groan. He turned his head and a small smile appeared on his face when he saw the blonde beauty laying next to him. He laid back down, on his side, and softly started running his fingers through her hair. What the hell did I do to deserve this woman? I've done nothing good in my life... yet I have this sleeping goddess in my arms... what does she see in me that's worth staying for? As Jason was in his own little world, he felt Sally's soft lips on his neck, snapping him out of it. "Morning, handsome..." Sally whispered with her soft, raspy, morning voice.

Jason grinned softly and turned his head to look into her beautiful, chocolate brown eyes. "Morning, babydoll." Jason leaned in and kissed her softly and lovingly, which Sally gladly reciprocated. "How'd you sleep, babe?" Sally asked as she laid her head on his chest. "I slept great, like I always do when I'm with you. I love you, Sally..." She chuckled softly and leaned in close, their lips barely touching. "I love you more, Jaybird..." Sally then closed the gap between them and kissed him gently at first, then it started to get more passionate. Jason gently gripped Sally's hips as he hovered over her. "You are so beautiful..." Jason whispered against her lips, running his hand down her body. "Jay, please..." Just before Jason's hand could go under Sally's shirt, his phone went off, making him groan.

"Shit." He got off of Sally and grabbed his phone off the nightstand, answering it. "What do you want, Bruce? I'm a little busy right now..." he grits his teeth at the end, letting Bruce know how annoyed he is. "Why do I have to go? Can't you just ask Dick to- no, Bruce, I won't go!" Sally sat there listening while she felt her heart starting to break. She knew what Jason was most likely going to say when he got off the phone. Jason sighs and says, "Fine, but you owe me one." Jason hung up and turned to look at Sally and frowned, seeing the sad look on her face. "Sally, what's-" "Don't say it. I knew it was only a matter of time until you left. Everyone always does..." She starts to get out of bed, but Jason quickly grabs her wrist, stopping her. "Sally, wait. Let me explain." She yanks her wrist back aggressively. "What is there to explain?! You're leaving me! Just like everybody else..."

She wipes a tear rolling down her cheek as Jason shakes his head. "No, no, baby... Sal, I'm not leaving you. Please just let me explain, okay? Please?" Sally looked into his eyes and could see he was genuinely being sincere. "Fine..." She sits back down and lights up a cigarette. "So are you leaving me or not?" "No, I'm not. I'm not going anywhere, doll." "But what about you saying to Bruce that he "owes you one"?" She asks, using finger quotes. "He said I didn't have to go with him, but I said that cause if he ever needs me for a really important mission, and I have to leave, he'll make it up to me." Jason pulls Sally close to him, her back against his chest and he wraps his arms around her. "You know I would never leave you, doll. I love you so fucking much, and you're the most important thing in my life. I know I don't deserve you. I was murdered by a psychopathic clown, came back from the dead, tried to take revenge on Bruce for not avenging me by killing The Joker, I suffer from nightterrors almost every night, I have anger issues, but yet you still want to love me... I don't understand what you see in me, but I thank God you do... I thank God every day for you..."

Sally turns around and wraps her arms around his neck, burying her face into the crook of his neck crying softly. "I'm the one who doesn't deserve you, Jason... You're the reason why I've stopped using drugs and killing. I've never been so happy, and everyone tells me how much happier I've been since we met... You can look past me being dead and trapped in this Godforsaken place, even being a druggie, and I just know that you are my soulmate. I've felt it since the moment we met... I love you so fucking much, Jason." She then leaned in and kissed him like it would be their last. They finally pulled away when air was becoming an issue and laid their foreheads together. "So..." he slowly slid his hands up the back of Sally's shirt. "Since I'm not gonna be leaving, where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?" He seductively whispers into her ear, making her shiver. An evil grin appears on her face and starts pulling them down, making him hover over her. "Why don't you remind me, Jaybird?"

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