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I know I don't post as much on this story anymore (and I'm not getting many reads anymore either), but I came up with this idea and I just had to write it. I'm not a person to brag about my fics, but I feel this is some of my best work. I hope you all like it. I will be doing a part two asap. Love you all. Rhi~ 🖤🦇

Jason Todd is fifteen years old, newly Robin, the Boy Wonder, sidekick of the Dark Knight. On a special mission, they find themselves at the infamous Hotel Cortez, disguised as their alter egos, billionaire playboy, Bruce Wayne and his young ward, Jason Todd. As Bruce checks in, Jason heads up the stairs to the bar, where he's greeted by a bald woman in a sparkly blue dress. "What can I get you, young man?" "I'll have a beer." Liz looks at him with an arched brow and hand on her hip. "You don't look twenty one, kid. Got any ID?" Before Jason can try to come up with an excuse, he suddenly hears an angelic voice from a few seats away. "Just give him the beer, Cleopatra." His eyes widen and his heart speeds up at the sight of the frizzy haired blonde. Holy shit, I think I've found an angel... Jason stands up and walks over to Sally, trying to turn on the charm. "Thanks, gorgeous. Can I buy you a drink?" She chuckles and takes a drag of her cigarette, blowing the smoke in his face, making him cough. "Thanks, kid, but I don't date pipsqueaks. How 'bout when you're eighteen, you give me a call?" He blushes and rubs the back of his neck, looking away, trying not to show the pink covering his cheeks. She notices and smirks softly, patting the seat next to her. "Sit down, kid. I'll get you that beer." He looks up at her and grins softly as he sits down. "So what's your name, cutie?" He suddenly finds himself stuttering and stammering, something he usually never does, especially when around girls. Something about Sally was different... much different. "U-um... I-I'm Jason... wh-what's yours?" Shit, why am I stuttering so badly?! She chuckles in amusement as she takes another drag. "Sally..." Now I know the name of this angel... Before he can ask more about her, he hears a familiar voice calling out his name. "Jason!" He turns around and sees Bruce standing there. "Um, I-I gotta go..." Sally grins and waves flirtatiously, making Jason blush before walking with Bruce to the elevator. "Boy, I thought that kid was gonna faint any second. He really liked you, hon." Liz says, making Sally chuckle. "He was cute... for a pipsqueak..." She smiles softly to herself, thinking of the way he tried to be so smooth with her.

(Two months later)

(Jason knows Sally is a ghost by this time, fyi.)

The mission was over. Bruce Wayne and his young ward were back home at Wayne Manor. Only problem was Jason would keep traveling back to the Cortez to see Sally and spend time with her. He just couldn't stay away from the blonde. He fell for her and boy, did he fall hard. They're sitting on Sally's bed, watching a cheesy horror movie, making fun of it every chance they get. "Oh my God, that blood looks so fucking fake." Sally rolls her eyes as Jason laughs. "It looks like paint! They seriously couldn't have put a little bit of dark red to make it more realistic?" Sally chuckles and turns the movie off. "I'm bored of this movie. What should we do now, pipsqueak?" He thinks for a moment and opens his mouth to speak but quickly shuts it, starting to blush. "No, never mind..." "What?" Jason shakes his head. "N-nothing, Sal... let's just forget it..." "No, come on! Tell me, Jay." She takes his hand, making his face heat up. "Come on. Please? Tell me..." he takes a breath and looks at her nervously. "U-um... I-I was gonna ask if... if..." Sally nods softly, signaling for him to continue. "i-if you would maybe be my first kiss..." he rubs the back of his neck, blushing darker than ever, scared she's going to laugh in his face. Her eyes widen and is taken aback by his words. Did... he just say he wants me to be his first kiss? "You... you want me to be your first kiss? Why?" "C-cause... y-you know why, Sally. I really like you a lot... but I won't blame you if you say no... or laugh at me..." Sally frowns and softly shakes her head. "Hey... Jason, look at me..." He looks at her sadly and she cups his cheek, making him blush darkly. "You're so cute when you blush, you know that?" She smiles softly and suddenly leans in, kissing him, making his eyes widen and his heart feel like it's about to beat right out of his chest. Holy shit, she's kissing me... she's actually kissing me... he gently puts his hands on her waist, kissing her back, making her chuckle softly before pulling away. "W-wow..." "Was it better than you dreamed of, Jaybird?" He nods, almost in a trance like state, making Sally chuckle. "Good. Wanna go to the bar and get a drink? I won't tell Bruce." She winks and he nods, blushing. "Y-yeah, sure..." as they get up and walk to the bar, Sally can't help but bite her lip softly, thinking about the kiss. He's a good kisser...

(Two years later)

Sally hears a knock on her window, making her jump. What the fuck was that? She then hears a familiar voice outside. "Sally..." she looks confused and walks to the window, pulls back the curtains and sees Jason dressed in his Robin uniform. "Jay? What are you doing outside? What's with the outfit?" He gets inside and takes her hands. "I don't have much time to talk, Sal. I need to tell you this." She nods, still looking a little confused. "Y-yeah, you can tell me anything, Jay." "I got a letter from someone who says she's my mother." Sally's eyes widen in shock. "What?" He nods and sit them both down on the bed. "She's in Sarajevo. She said she misses me and wants to have a relationship with me... to be my mom. I'm gonna go and see her." "Jay, this doesn't sound right. She suddenly appears out of nowhere, wanting a relationship with you? I don't trust this." He frowns and stands up. "Sally, this could be my one chance to meet her... find out why she gave me away... I have to do this..." "Jay, please... don't go..." he can see the tears in her eyes and hugs her tight. "I'm sorry, Sal... but I have to go..." she hugs him just as tight, gripping his shirt for dear life. "P-please come back..." he nods and cups her face. "I promise I'll always come back to you..." he then kisses her deeply, making a surprised noise escape her throat before melting into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck, burying her fingers in his hair. He pulls away, their lips barley touching. "I love you, Sally... I always have... and I always will..." he pecks her lips before rushing out the window, Sally watching as he swings away.

(The next day)

She's laying on her bed, scrolling through her phone, but the only thing on her mind is Jason. The kiss they shared, him telling her he loved her... Am I falling for him? her thoughts are interrupted by the TV. "Tragic news today. Bruce Wayne's ward, Jason Todd, was killed in a bombing in Sarajevo this morning. He was only seventeen years old..." she looks at the TV in shock, tears immediately falling down her cheeks as she covers her mouth with her hand. "His funeral will be held this Saturday at Wayne Manor. May he rest in peace..." Sally drops to the floor, screaming as tears fall harder. "NO! JASON!" Her screams echo through the hotel, letting everyone know of her heartbreak, of the hole in her heart that could never be filled again...

Jason Todd x Sally Mckenna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now