Starcrossed Souls

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So I made this for my bestie, Sallys_Gurl74. Hope you guys like it too. 🖤🦇❤

Jason was staying at the Hotel Cortez, and ever since he first walked in the doors, Sally's been head over heels in love with him. She loved his piercing green eyes, how his face and body looked like they were chiseled from stone, the white streak in his hair... but the thing she loved the most about him was his kindness. He was sweet, caring, warm, charming, and she always felt so safe whenever he was around. He would protect her if some jerk tried to mess with her, and sometimes would even threaten the guy if he even looked in her direction again.

He was the perfect guy. They would always drink together at the bar and talk for hours and hours, and he'd tell her stories of his life. His father being a criminal, his mother dying of an overdose, Batman finding him, him being kidnapped and murdered by The Joker, etc, etc. One thing he never told her was that he gets nightmares about his past. He was sitting at the bar with Sally, talking and laughing about anything and everything, when he realized the time. "Damn, it's getting really late... I should go to bed." Sally felt her heart drop at his words.

"Nooo... don't go yet. C'mon, just a while longer..." she pleaded, holding onto his arm, and looking at him with her big, brown, puppy dog eyes."Sorry, Sal, I wish I could, I really do, but I have to do something really important tomorrow... I'll see you before I leave, okay? Night, doll." He hugs her tightly, and kisses her head and walks back to his room. "Night, Jay..."

(Two Hours Later)

*Come now, birdboy! You're not going to sleep on me already, are you? The party's just got started!" The Joker laughed as he punched Jason in the face, knocking him down. "You've been a bad boy. You must be punished! Prepare yourself for a severe spanking, young man. But let me tell you right from the start..." The Joker lifted up the crowbar in his hand, ready to strike. "This is gonna hurt you a lot more then it does me."* "Jason... Jay, wake up! Jason! Jason!" Sally was shaking his shoulders, trying to get him to wake up. "No... Bruce... stop... Joker, no... NO!" He jolts upward, his body shaking, sweating profusely, and tears streaming down his face.

"Jason, Jason, look at me..." Sally put her hands on his neck which caused him to jump. "Shhh, it's alright, it's just me. it's Sally..." "Sally...?" He finally breaks down and wraps his arms around her as tightly as possible, his head in the crook of her neck, crying his eyes out. She holds him tightly, running her fingers through his hair and whispering into his ear to calm him down. "Shhh, I got you, I'm here, it's okay..." "Sally... please stay with me... please don't leave..." She pulls away a little to look into his eyes and brush the hair sticking to his face. She softly nods and kisses his head, then climbs into bed with him. They both lay down, his face still in the crook of her neck, and her with one arm around him with the other in his hair. "I promise you, Jay... I'm not going anywhere, okay?" She kisses his head one more time before they both fall asleep in each other's arms.

Sally wakes up to the feeling of someone softly kissing her neck and shoulder. She slowly opens her eyes and turns her head to lock eyes with Jason's green ones. "Jay? What are you-" Jason cut her off by pressing his lips to hers. His kiss was soft and sweet, but passionate. Sally immediately melted into the kiss. She kissed him back with as much passion as she could muster, wrapping her arms around his neck. Jason wrapped his arms around Sally's waist, slowly getting on top of her. "God, you are so beautiful... you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen..." he slowly started to take her top off and kiss down her torso. "Jason..." Sally softly moans out.

Jason chuckled against Sally's stomach, causing a shiver down her spine. He kisses back up to her neck, and whispers into her ear, "I love you, Sally. I love you so fucking much..." Sally immediately starts to tear up from his words. She's never had anyone tell her that they love her before. She's told them, but never the other way around. Jason can hear her sniffling and he pulls away from her neck to look at her, feeling his heart sink when he sees her crying. "Babe, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He softly asks her, with sadness and worry in his voice. "I'm alright... it's just..." "What?" He wipes her tears away and rolls off of her, and holds her tightly. "It's just... no one's ever told me they love me before..."

Jason sadly smiles at her and looks into her eyes, rubbing his thumb over her cheek. "Then those people are fucking idiots. I've been in love with you for so long... ever since we first talked at the bar, you have been on my mind, no matter where I am, or what I'm doing... you are the most gorgeous thing I ever laid my eyes on, and I love your personality, your heart, your soul and just everything about you... I am so fucking in love with you and I'll do anything to prove it to you..." he leans closer and crushed his lips onto Sally's. She kissed him back with the same passion, and rolled on top of him. "I love you, Jason... I love you so much, it hurts... I'd do anything for you, and nothing will ever come between us... you're my soulmate, Jaybird..." she kisses him hard, but sweetly, like it would be the last kiss they'd ever have. "And you're mine, doll..." and without saying another word, they pushed their bodies together, leaving no space between them. Their lips were locked with a fiery passion, just melting into each other's embrace. Both of their bodies giving into the passion and love they feel for each other.

Jason Todd x Sally Mckenna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now