Always Return

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Hey everyone! I know I haven't posted one of Sally and Jason for a long time, but I felt since not many people were reading them, to just focus on writing about me and the girls. But I decided to write this one, and it's the best one I've made of these two in my opinion. I hope you guys like it.

Jason and Sally have been together for three months now, and every day has been nothing but love and pure bliss. There's just one problem: Jason keeps leaving almost every night around ten o'clock, and usually doesn't get back to the Cortez till about three am. And every time Sally questions him about where he goes, he always gives her some dumb excuse that usually ends up with  them fighting. But they love each other too much to stay mad, so the fights never last long. It was Friday night, and Sally had fallen asleep on Jason's chest while they were watching a movie together, and Jason was mindlessly running his fingers through her hair, watching the TV. He turned his head to look at the clock and sees 9:56 pm in bold, red numbers. He looked down at Sally's sleeping figure, kissed her head, and as carefully as he could, moved her off of him. He got up from the bed, and went into the bathroom and pulled out the peice of tile where he keeps his Red Hood costume hidden underneath.

He suits up, and leaves a note for Sally saying, "I'll be home soon. Love, Jay..." he lays the note next to the bedside table, leaves a kiss on Sally's temple, then opens the window and climbs out. Sally wakes up two hours later. She moves her hand to Jason's side of the bed, but doesn't feel his warmth next to her. She turns her head and sees he's not there. She sighs and turns over on her right side. She looks up and sees the note on the table. She picks it up and reads it, then starts to cry. Why does he leave every night? Sally thought to herself. Is he cheating on me? Does he have a new woman in his life? Does he not love me anymore? Sally cried harder, thinking of why Jason would leave every night. It was now 3:04 am, and Jason opens the window, hoping Sally's still asleep. He enters the room and looks at the bed, but sees that Sally's not there. Where is she? Jason scratches his neck, trying to think where Sally could be.

She might be at the bar talking to Liz... he strips his armor off and puts it back underneath the tile in the bathroom. He then walks out of the room to go find her. He gets to the bar, and sees Sally talking to Liz, drinking a bottle of whiskey. He can tell Sally has a look of sadness on her face, making his heart break at the sight. He walks over and sits down next to her, and takes her hand. "Hey, what's the matter, doll?" She jerks her hand away and downs what's left of the bottle. "You..." His eyes get slightly wide from Sally's response. "What? What did I do?" She slams the bottle down onto the table, making Jason jump slightly. "You really don't fucking know?" "No, I don't. What the hell did I do to upset you?" She stands up and teleports to their shared room, leaving Jason sitting there all alone. "I hate when she does that..." after a couple minutes, he makes his way back to the room, and sees Sally sitting on the edge of the bed, smoking a cigarette, with a needle next to her.

"Babe? Why do you have a needle next to you?" She pulls the cigarette away from her lips, and blows the smoke out. "Well, I thought I'd start using again..." Jason's eyes get wide, and runs over to her. "What? Why? Why would you feel the need to use again? You've been clean for three months!" A tear falls down Jason's cheek, scared of what would happen to Sally if she started using again. He gets down on his knees in front of her, holding her around her waist, his head against her chest. "Babe, what's wrong? Did someone hurt you? I swear to God, if anyone laid a finger on you, I'll-" "The only person who hurt me is you!" Sally shoves him away, and stands up and walks to the door, but Jason grabs her wrist, stopping her. "What did I do? I've done nothing but love you and treat you like a fucking goddess!" She yanks her arm away and screams, "Then why the fuck do you go out every night?!" Jason's eyes grow wide from her words.

Jason Todd x Sally Mckenna One ShotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum