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Hi everyone! So I wanted to take the time to tell you all how I came up with this story idea.

If any of you read my one shot book, Daytime Dreamer, you know I'm a total nerd for Batman, Superman, Spiderman, and any superhero you can think of. But there is one that I really love and obsess over.

His name is Jason Todd (aka, Red Hood), and he was the sidekick of Batman when he was a teenager. And for the people who aren't all that familiar with AHS, I am a huge fan of the horror show, American Horror Story. Sarah Paulson is my favorite actress and her character, Sally McKenna, from season 5 is my absolute favorite character from the show.

One day, I had AHS playing while reading a Red Hood comic, and for some reason, I thought, "Hmm, I wonder what would happen if Red Hood and Sally ever met?" So I started imagining scenarios in my head, and now I strongly believe that they would make an amazing couple.

Their personalities are so alike. They love smoking, drinking, and they just long for someone to love and have someone love them back. So I decided to start writing stories of these two together.

If any of you have any questions about them or any requests, just let me know! I really hope you all like these stories. Have a good day or night, everybody! 🖤🦇

(Decided I'm gonna rewrite these fics cause they aren't that good. So if you happen to read them and they aren't making much sense and stuff, that's why.)

Jason Todd x Sally Mckenna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now