NLTIG - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - Obsessed

Still 21st October 2011

The whole cafeteria burst out in awwww's and how sweet's. I grinned from ear to ear I Was so happy for them. They walked over to the table hand in hand, smiling at each other lovingly. Once they sat down, I stood up and said. "okay enough of the soppy romantic stuff, time for my present." I hand the envelope. She took hold of it and ripped it open. She opened the card and screamed. "OMG! YOU GOT ME JUSTIN BIEBER TICKETS AND BACKSTAGE PASS!!!" every one in the cafeteria stared at her in want and jealousy. Suddenly there was stampede to our table of screaming girls fighting to get the tickets. Girls throwing punches and pulling hair and a surrounding crowd of boys cheering them on. I quickly grabbed the tickets out of Chantel’s hand and shoved them in my pocket without anyone noticing. I tried to make a run for it but instead I was thrown to the floor flat on my face, being trampled on left right and centre. A big shoot of pain shot through my wrist as someone directly stood on in it. I pulled my self up into a sitting position cradling my painful wrist and grabbed my bag with my good hand and tried to get up. A tear dripped down my cheek in pain as I started to get kicked in the back by screaming girls throwing themselves at Chantel trying to grab the tickets even though they are in my pocket. A muscular hand appeared into front of my face. Quickly I grabbed hold of it a hoisted myself up. I looked up and to my relief it was Stan. I fell into his arms for a comforting hug which he returned.

I turned round to see teachers splitting the riot up and George pulling random girls off Chantel. I saw a shocked Bell, felicity and Tom stood at the other end of the now trashed cafeteria. Chantel was now in Ge's arms not a single scratch or bruise on her. I sighed. "How come I'm always the one to get hurt?" I asked Stan. As we started walking to the nurses office. I was still in pain but nothing could get my mood down today.

"ELLIE! Ellie," said Chantel running from behind me. "I lost the friggin tickets, someone’s got them!" She panicked. I signed and reached inside my blaza careful not to knock my wrist and pulled the ticket and backstage pass out. "Oh my god! Your the bestest friend ever! How can I ever repay you!"

"just never scream that out again and come to the office with me and Stan"

"sure." she answer.

We knocked on the nurses down and she answered.

"oh my what happened?" she asked

" 3 words, Justin Bieber tickets" I sat on the hospital bed Covered in paper. I hate the doctors it smells weird, too clean.

She carefully examined my arm. "It's only sprained but your going to have to wear a bandage for 2 weeks and go home for the rest of the day." she said with huff as Chantel gasped.

"Will she still be able to go to the illuminations?" she asked.

"of course. As long as she doesn't bump it." I heaved a sigh of relief.

She carefully wrapped my arm in a bandage and put it in a sling and gave me some spare bandage for dressing. Chantel and Stan had to go back to lessons and soon I was sat alone infront of the office waiting for my mom or Simon to pick me up. I watched as random students walked past ditching off. Then the 5th person who walked past started to walk up to me with 2 followers trailing behind her . Maria and Susan and Elaine. The school sluts, my year, year 11. All of them skirts half way up their ass, caked in make up, allot of clearage, heels, Paul’s boutique bags and snobby attitude.

They marching up to me, heels clicking behind them, swinging their hips, lips pouted. Just the thought of it made me giggle.

"Oy, Ella." called Maria

"Its Ellie."

"Whatever. I need those Justin Bieber tickets now or else I could always break your other arm." she snarled. I snorted.

"Oohhh, I’m scared now. No really I’d like to see you try."

"Girls, I think we need to show miss Clark who's boss around this school." and her servants stepped forward.

"What are you gonna take me to the headmaster, since he's the boss." I said plainly. Susan and Elaine pulled me up off the seat but before they could down anything else. I grabbed Elaine's arm and wrapped around her neck and down her back making a horrible crutch noise and then letting go. The sight of this made the others back off.

"I haven't even got the dam tickets, so shove off." I said sitting down again.

"You will pay, Clark. Justin Bieber will be mine. He is my destined man." she glared then stalked off.

'How sad can you get?' I thought. To me fans like that, aren't true fans. They just say things like that to fit in or because he is cute. Fan who rate him for his music and maybe a bit for his looks are true fans. Not obessed.



Gosh, for some reason this chapter took me forever to write. Ive been so busy and then on Wednesday it got like 3 times as worse. Right my so called friends 'Lauren, Nicole and Abbie' like hate justin bieber and so when me and Katie talk about him we like walk off so they dont have to hear. anyway Nicole like picking arguements with people and asked us why we keep walking off. it ended in her asking us why me and Katie were even in the group so i said yeah why are we. we picked our bags up and walked off. Elliot soon followed and then christine did.

So now they hate me and blaming me for everything when ive done nothing. they now hang out on the tennis courts and yard with the popular people, they say that populatey is everything. I mean what do you think are friends or populatey more important. for me there no competition, friends.

so yeah lifes a bit shit at the moment but hey ho life goes on and i still got my best friends. :)

what do you think out the chapter?




from LJ x

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