NLTIG - Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 - Stand by you

"Life as a teenage pop sensation seems to be the ultimate perfect life, but what people don't realise is, that it's not all it's cracked up to be. I mean I love it and it's a dream come true. I have millions of girls screaming for me across the globe all loving me and caring. I have 4 albums, a movie, a book, a bunch of awards and a whole lot more. But I feel like I'm being pushed into being a early adulthood. Like there forcing me out of my childhood, there taking me away. I am living a brilliant life and have a lot more than people in the 3rd world have and I’m eternally grateful for that. But I'm not living my life how I want it. My whole life is about my career but I want my life to also be about more important things like love, friendship, family, God, childhood. I do have friendship and family and God but my career is above of them and don't want it to be. I have the best mother ever, a great father, amazing friends and God is always with me where ever I go. So I'm missing love and Childhood. I always thought I had love with Selena but now I think about, it seems false. It seems that I thought I was in love. I need to be a kid again for one last time before I'm 18. When I was little I had a fantastic childhood but as I grew up as teenager it became all about my career. I never partied, explored, done anything that will prepare for the future. I need to be a kid again, that's all I ask." he finished his long speech, starring off into the ocean. He sighs at looks at me. I sigh and throw my kebab in the bin.

"What suddenly brought that to mind?" I asked.

"Because for once again, I felt like a kid again today. I really enjoy and miss it." he sighed.

"You know what, then?"


"the whole time your here, we are going to go out and do average fun day. So you know what it feels like to live a uneventful week for a British-Canadian teenager! How messed up does that sound?" I said laughing. He joined in.

"Well I have a messed up life," he said. "Also, I've noticed something been off with you a bit today."

I sighed and pulled out the letter I had shoved in my pocket.

"Got a letter from my brother, Collin, today. I just miss my Dad and Bro." I look up at Justin to see him with a sad smile. "Why dies life have to difficult?" I ask leaning on his shoulder as he pulled me into a hug. "Because God made it that way. But you'll always have others to stand by you."

Next day

The door bell as I ran to get the door. Justin had just text me telling me he was coming round and asked for my address. And today was going to be a surprise to him. We were going to do my favourite thing. But I didn't tell him. I opened the to see a very hot Justin. 'Okay I need to stop these thought' I said to myself. He was wearing baggy denium jeans, purple vans, and a leather jacket. "Hey." he said.

"Hiya, come in while I get ready." I said offering him in. "I just need to get my jacket and keys before we go."

"what are we doing today anyway?" he asked.

"it's a surprise." I jogged upstairs, grabbed my jackets and keys before doing a quick check in the mirror. I was today wearing dark ruffled skinny jeans, grey milatry/biker boots, strippy black and White top that goes off one shoulder and stops at my belly button, revealing a grey vest top underneath. I put my short leather jacket on, put my purse and keys in my pocket and some sliver bangles before running downstairs to meet Justin. "ready?" he asked.

"yep. Follow me." I chook him outside to my garage. I open the big White door and went inside looking for the items.

"what you looking for?" he asked.

"Helmets." I simply repiled as I found one.

"Great we're going cyling." he said sarcasticly.

"No, where going motorbike riding." I said throwing him a blue helmet. I grabbed hold off Simon's motorbike and pushing it on to the driveway. It was a bright read yamada r1 and my favourite way to travel. I pulled my helmet on and climbed on the bike and waited for him to get on. As I felt the back off the bike dip I heard him gasp. "Wait, your only 16. You don't have a license." he grumbled.

"No shit Sherlock." I said before reviving the engine and zooming off as he quickly wrapped his arms round my waist. And the only thing I could think off was the warm tingles traveling round my body.


We were speeding down Blackpool coast road at 50 mph in a 30mph zone dogding and serving in and out of cars. The cold sea breeze tazered my skin in a pleasent way but not once cooling the warm tingles around my waist were Justin's arms were. I felt secure and safe in his arms, but it was strangly mixed with adrealine and excitment of the thrill of the dangerous driving. Adults and parents stared at us weirdly and nastily while the elders threw their fists in the air angerily at us passing by. While the children had completely opisite looks as they stared at us in awe and amazment. "El, this is awesome." I heard Justin shout threw the whistling of the wind. "But you do realise we'll probaley get caught."

"Dont be such a goody-goody toshoes. Live a little! This is what we do Justin. Live life to the max. Don't worry we won't get caught." I said waving it off. But as if on queue I heard sirens of a police car in the distance. I think I just jinxed it.



sorry I know its been a while since i've uploaded but I've been a bit busy lately to write.

it's been easter, so what you been up too? I went egg rolling with my bezzies christine and Nicole (Kingie1000).

not go much to write but what will happen to justin and Ellie!!!!!

BTW Ellie in this story is my friend Abbie (Snailgirl123). She's the girl in the picture on the cover!

Check out their stories! Nicole's story is about our friendship group and things we have been through! I'm Eliza in the story and Im now a shamed of the past where I had a crush on Elliot (Edward), becuz now he's like my brother. so anyway, her story is a true story and everything init really happened, nothing is false really, apart from the looks really.

so check out Snailgirl123 and Kingie1000#





from LJ x


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