NLTIG - Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 - Revenge is sweet...

Friday 30th October 2011

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday  went by quickly spending all my spare time with Justin. But as the days went by we got closer and closer but sadly the weird butterflies in my stomach got stronger. When we touched or hugged everytime I got warm tingles through my body making me want to touch him again. But before we knew it, it was Friday my last full day with him. 

I got up like every morning and walked on to my balcony, pulled out a chair and my guitar and just sat there. In my pajarmes with my guitar, strumming the strings randomly humming along to what ever I play. It was peaceful outside for a change, but winter was closing in and the sharp cold breeze would soon be picking up. The calming familar sound of the rough sea waves crashing againist the rock relaxed me completely. 

I quickly checked the time on my watch and decided it was time to get ready. I hurried inside, shutting the balcony door, and went into the bathroom. I took a quick relaxing shower, wrapped the towel around me and marched into my bedroom, turning the radio on. I pulled on some grey sweatpants and and pink singlet and decided to relax until Justin came.

I sat done at my computer and first decided check the lastest news on YouTube. I clicked on the Micheal Warbux show. The lastest video titled 'JUSTIN BIEBER'S NEW GIRlFRIEND?'.

'OMG!' I thought, 'This can't be good!'.

Hesitantly, I clicked on the video. And there low and behold was a picture of Justin hugging me on the pier. I was to scared to see the comments, so next I decided to read my emails.

 But that was worse. Nearly every girl in school had sent me a hate mail telling me to stay away from Justin saying that he was theirs. Yes, I was pissed and worried a bit but most of them I laughed at. I kept getting these images in my head of these blonde bimbo girls trying to stab me with a pen but missing because they were holding it so tight, their fake names snaped. But for those that knew how to fight, at least I had self dence.

But everything washed from my mind as one of my favourite songs came on the radio, Whip my hair by Willow Smith! Immedinatly, every worry was drained from my mind as I stood up and started throwing my hair around. I jumped on my bed, bouncing up and down, thrashing me hair everywhere. When the song finished, I huffed and sat down mad that it had stopped and now that my hair was a mess all over my face.

I was suddenly cut short from my madness, as laughing and clapping from the door way. My head snaps up and I peek through my wave of hair to see, Justin stood there phone out filming me, laughing so much he looks like he is about to pee himself. "Justin! You did not just video that!?!" I shout. He carries on laughing but manges to choke out "If I told you the truth, you'd be mad, so no?" before he gives way and collapses to the floor laughing. "JUSTIN DREW BIEBER!!!!" I screech before lauching myself at him. 

"Oh no full name. Never good." he says before jumping and running off.

I quickly run off after him and then jumping on his back tryin to reach his phone that he's holding in to air. My legs are wrapped around his waist and my body is pressed againist his back as I try and reach for the phone. Awkard purposition, I know. But my mind at that moment was more focused on the embarassing video of me on that god damm phone. "JUSTIN! Just give me the damm phone!" I shout.

"Not until you say, Justin is the most awesomest guy I ever met and the bestest friend a girl could ever have." he says. Okay so inside I was like 'Yes you are!', but I'd never admit that to him.

"I will only say that when Rebecca Black decides which seat she's gonna sit in." I say angerily.

"She told me, she prefers the back seat." he says amused.

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