NLTIG - Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 - Where theres a will, theres a way!

Justin POV 

It was only when my angel came down the stairs, did I know I was in love with her. Her beauty and personality over powered me, but there was just one problem.

I was leaving the next day and I had no idea when I would see her again. So I gave her the locket for her to remember me by. But I had to tell her. I had too.

Ellie's POV

"I love you, Ellie."he said. I didn't know what was happening. Was this just a dream, a figment of my imagination? "What?"I asked for reasurrance. 

"I love you, Ellie. With all my heart, and I know don't know when I will see you again or if you feel the same way but I just had to tell you." he said lovingly as he held my face in his palm. 

"Of course I love you too." I confessed. 

"Really?" he said shining with hope. 

"Yes." I sighed happily, now knowing I wasn't just being silly.

He slowly leaned in, until gently his forehead touched mine. "I want to kiss you so badly." he said his sweet breath swafting in my face. "But, you know we can't. We don't know when we'll see each other again." I said sadly.

"What about Christmas? Your back at Stratford this Christmas with your dad, aren't you?" he said eagerly.

"Yes..." I hestitanted, not sure what he was getting at.

"I'm back for christmas!" he exclaimed. 

"Oh my god, this great but do we really have to wait that long." I asked.

"It's are only option." he said while stroking my cheek.

The rest of that night was just big bur. I knew everything would change and nothing would be the same again. 

31st October 2011 Halloween

Blackpool airport

We were standing outside his terminal for London. Justin was going down to London for a couple of days to do some interviews for his new Xmas Album and was going to record a special TV show of his own. Then he was heading to New York were he would stay till Thanksgiving, then go to Atlanta until the 18th where then he will head home to Ontario, Stratford to 1 week and half. We hadn't decided what we were going to do after Christmas but we kept our minds off it.

"Please can flight 205 to London head to there Terimal as the plane will be taking off soon" said a random posh lady over the intercom.

"I've got to go." he said embracing me in a warm comforting hug. "Ok, Promise me you'll call everyday?"

"Of course." he said before gently kissing my forehead. "I love you." he said making my heart skip a beat. 

"Love you too." I answered while a silent tear rolled down my face. He slowly stepped away from me before working over and handing over his ticket. As his mother and Scooter stepped through, he waved silently mouthing the words Miss you already. I let out a little giggle and a sniff before blowing him a kiss.

As soon as I knew he was gone, I quietly walked over to my mother and sister and embracing them in a hug. "It's okay." she whispered in ear, then dragged me out of the airport into the car. 

The car journey seemed longer than usual, I though as the stopped for the 10th time at a traffic light. I looked to the side of me at the HMV music store on the street. In the window they were advertising Justin's lastest new Christmas album, Under the Mistletoe which was released today in the UK. He was going to be everywhere in the weeks to come. I sighed, it was going to be hard but where there's a will, there's a way



I know it was short but i got so many things to do. I'm hopeing to finish this before January but it's probaley very unlikely. there will be a sequel which will be a lot more dramatic than this story


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love u all...

LJ x

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