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     It is already clear that starting from the 12th, Ms. Miyazawa will take the train every day to here in Shinjuku for our paid sessions, and in the little Internet café cubicle. But even from yesterday day and today, I felt like it was a random cute woman coming in to greet me in my cubicle. Not knowing that it is indeed Ms. Miyazawa. Today the 13th, is when she continues the basic lessons of Japanese, and Japan. All I need she mentions, but not too much for a period of time I will learn. Ms. Miyazawa will also take deserving breaks with me as well. And if we can, she will also take me outside and around Tokyo, so that I will also learn what I can learn outside. Ms. Miyazawa wants to teach me the famous and fun places we can go, learn how to read signs in Japanese, public etiquettes but not too critical to do so. Basically she also wants to even it out with learning like a streetsmart, as we learn the language like booksmart. But it does seem like she's promising to make it fun and well spent.

    It is important that she mentions that I should really take it easy in getting to know everything. I should always have a good rest she says. She agrees to take a walk with me again but here in my new home. Kabukicho, which I believed is the place in Shinjuku I kinda had the most trouble with.

   Ms. Miyazawa asks me: "Why Tokyo for much longer? Why not you visit more of like... Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, Nagoya, those places?" I answer: "I would consider it. Do you want to take me to those places? I can, although I seem to love Tokyo too much."

   Ms. Miyazawa: "Okay. If you have it settled, then maybe we could both go to Kyoto, or Osaka. Honestly there is so much to see. And you said you just don't want to be tourist only? You thought of settling here?"

   Me: "I might consider it."

   Ms. Miyazawa: "You do love it here too much. Well, we're in Kabukicho now... and there isn't much that I can do here, but just show you, and eat in restaurants here only, maybe a little bit of host clubs but that's it. Let me tell you, it's not really my type of place either. Despite this being your new home since you checked out from Nishi-Shinjuku."

   Me: "I thought of going in a bar with girls and..." Saying this, she does get funny jokes like this... with a mature sense of humor. I actually really like her for that.

   And even she mentions: "Do you also even consider marrying a Japanese person?" We both giggle much, especially me hearing it. And my answer to that is: "Maybe... they are really cute but... ehh. I don't know."

  Ms. Miyazawa: "Yeah it is very difficult. Mostly likely guys here wouldn't really understand you. Not like saying anything about your difference but..."

  Me: "Ohh it's okay. You're right anyways. It is hard. I have to be like... an intermediate citizen here if so, and maybe even most wouldn't like me."

  Ms. Miyazawa: "That's true."

  I also bothered to ask: "There are some sure things in Kabukicho. Right? Like most people coming here for the nightlife?"

  Ms. Miyazawa replies: "Yeah. People who work a lot, do go here if they deserve it. They drink beer, get entertained with girls, eat much here as well, those stuff that... ease the pain.

   If you like, do you want to just go to a girls bar here someday?" I still find it interesting a bit. But I definitely cannot be an entertainer. I'm just bad at it. But I want to say that the signs of the Kabukicho clubs with blinking lights and girl and guy pictures, they do look enticing somewhat. 

   "So you'd might like it there?" She responds. "Maybe..." is what I answer. It's not a guarantee though. But all I wanna say bout this is: "Wow."

    Ms. Miyazawa says that even she has a friend that live inside those because he couldn't find anything forward. She thinks he has a problem with mental health. That's why he chooses to live alone in those small cyber-cafés. But it is clear that I see a few foreigners here.

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