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And as today, is finally November 27, the even set has finally arrived today.

      After Matsuri comes back, I want to dress and look really nice tonight. Matsuri would wonder why. As we're only going to Tokyo Skytree. "But it does look really nice at the night." She admits. "Do you also want to make that part date with Yoshioka?" She asks.

  Me: "I might not see him much ever again. So I decide to let out the feelings here before I leave. I hate the feeling of missing something I never got."

  Matsuri: "Why though? It's not like those thoughts won't come with you home. But you know... good point. It's your last time with them. Dress nice, and look nice."

   And my clothes are a cuffed up denim jacket, a white flared dress, sandals, and a strap purse. Matsuri did my makeup. And at around 14:30, we take off the train to Sumida ward, but specifically, Tokyo Skytree station. I never knew it has its own stop down the subway lines. 

  Today  has a good breeze I must say, out behind what used to be called the tallest tower in the world. Matsuri says that Yoshioka, Matsuda, and Nobutani lives in Asakusa. And it's kinda near here by just a walk.

   Asakusa is in Taito-ward, and Tokyo Skytree is here in Sumida-ward. Those two wards are right next to each other. So that makes sense. 

   Miyajima and Tanaka will arrive later by train, as they also live in Shibuya like us. We appeared to arrive earlier than them because of my excitement. I assume.

   But at the same time, both of them arrive at our sights. You know, I actually really like it here in Sumida-ward. It feels like the top north here. And it doesn't look too bright, but blue still. Just only here at the ground feels high already like a secret hill.

    So for the first few hours, everyone will go shopping a little bit in the Tokyo Solamachi mall. That is the one only under the Skytree, and I'm amazed on how big even it is. It looks very cool. And I'm glad I'm having this last trip shot right before I leave.

    It seems that everyone is enjoying shopping here for accessory Knick knacks. As this is a place for miscellaneous goods, I agree it does look like an IKEA. It's clear that we did a lot of shopping for this. Even me. This is where it's probably the best place to shop for all the gifts from Japan, to everyone back home. New clothes for my Mom and Dad, and Titos and titas, as well as new kitchen miscellaneous goods and stationeries, skincare goods for my titas too. Pokémon, Disney, and Sanrio for my younger cousins, and cheap souvenirs for everyone especially me. No doubt Solamachi is a big shopping mall even. But at least everyone especially Matsuri, Miyazawa, Matsuda, and Nobutani knew much about this place.

    But Miyazawa and Tanaka bumped in secretive hand signals about what I told them as planned for today. I am not gonna forget that.

   I even joke to Matsuri that the only building in Sumida that could match against Tokyo Skytree's height but can't really, is the east building next to it. She laughs and agrees to it as well.

   When it came to clothes shopping in Solamachi, I would like to do this again. There were many shops I would recommend going to, as I now felt like Solamachi is too big to be a mall; but a minimalist fashion paradise. Way too many to name if you ask me. This was mostly the girls' recommendations. As doing so here is a hobby they'd do often. They took me to a lot of good shops to visit in their suggestions.

  As much as I felt like I liked it, the boys help me with the guys' fashion in what to buy them. I still have the many gifts I brought from Harajuku. So it wasn't so much we have brought.

   I would like to get thorough with my tv character goods shopping for my younger cousins. I have the two from each of my parents' side. My female cousins in my dad's side, for sure I would get them Hello Kitty. Vanity kit, headbands, and plushies. But I would also get one My Melody for my aunt.

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