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     I think I can take a rest for this day from the trip decently around Japan. But as today is Monday, Matsuri will help me get ready for something. She won't tell me what, but I kinda got the hint actually. As she taught me the etiquette of trying to make Japanese friends and meeting them. It will go formal at first. So no hugging and exaggerated greetings. But a bow, handshake, and a kon'nichiwa first.

   Well, who wouldn't know. I try to get that because I wanted to be an extrovert friend meter at first. But at some point, I'm actually not one. I can do that as I'm a shy first approach person. Matsuri comes to wonder asking: "When's your birthday Izumi-chan?" "December 15... 2001. It's really near Billie Eilish's."

   Matsuri reacts exclaiming: "December 15? That's the birthday of Yuko Araki. You're really lucky. I like her. Okay... since you're born in 2001, my friends are older than you. So we can stick to a formal first greeting."

   And I get that you'll not have to do that anymore if I do get close with them more.

   Laughing, I ask Matsuri: "Could you even remember me when I first met you? Plus including you, I only have three friends. But I want more, so I'll try anyways." Matsuri asks: "Who are they?"

  I show a photo of me with Alexa and Jill. Taken about a year ago in Coffee Project back in the Philippines. In surprise, Matsuri compliments them of how good and pretty friends they are of mine. I'd really say thanks.

     Matsuri tells me there is more to learn about seeing them as those friendships grown between you. It starts to get less formal, but those Japanese people we'd be friends with, they're punctual without a doubt. It is to know they are strict for being early or on time. She does teach me more of those general Do's and Don'ts with having them as friends. She even mentions that making friends online with a language helper app is optional. But not really in this situation. I'm actually going to make Japanese friends in person. I still am shaken up and relieved because that's what Matsuri promised. I remember that. So it's like a first date, but friend meeting I could get worried about. I'm excited. That was only tackled for half an hour for this class. Because it's not that hard.

    Matsuri will only choose to bring out her closest friends, who she assures will look forward to meeting me. A foreigner. Except the hard part, I still have that anxiety when meeting... "them." Matsuri doesn't teach me how to get over that. But still says: "Just be yourself. Do those formal things, and everything will be okay." Matsuri helps me with my stand up posture and bowing practice, as well as what phrases to use for a greeting. It went quite well, but she could feel I was pretty shaken up in doing so. So, Matsuri spends the last thirty... or forty-five minutes chilling with me. She did treat me with a stop-by strawberry mochi from 7-eleven. Always tasty. So the next day...

  November 20 – EBISU

    Sunny morning. Matsuri wakes me up saying: "Yo Ema Izumi! Ready to go to Ebisu?" Ebisu? I'm not familiar with that place. "Why Ebisu? Is that where we're going to meet your friends?" I ask her. She replies: "Yes. They live in Ebisu, so we're going to meet them there. But hurry up. They don't like it if you're late." So i quickly jump out of bed and get myself ready to head out. Ahhhh. Another good autumn day, perfect breeze, and good leveled sunshine brightness of the buildings around. I couldn't find Matsuri here. I ask her: "Where are you?" "I'm already here in Ebisu?" What the f... how? I search up where Ebisu is, and it's right under Shibuya. Makes a lot more sense but... crap! I don't know how to get to Ebisu all by myself. I'm still worried about the tricky Japanese train map. So in Matsuri's LINE directions. "Are you in West Shinjuku? If so, just take right side of the JR Yamanote line of Shinjuku. And just be careful that you stop in Ebisu. Just hear the train call Ebisu.

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