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     November 19

   When I woke up in my cubicle, Matsuri wanted to tell me: "I have thought about it. I know living in Japan has been pretty hard on you. But it must've changed you like in a journey. In six days, I know you would go back. But I thought that you would want to... stay in my apartment for the remaining days... in Shibuya." I ask if it's safe. She answers: "Of course it's safe. I don't invite guys into my place like... you know. But I have an extra space for you to sleep in there." Hearing it, I feel skeptic in accepting her request. I don't know... because I... I never really tried wanting to live in someone's apartment for sparing. But if it's for survival, I'll gladly do it. I'll take the chance I might need if Matsuri will decide to help me. So I bring every of my bags along with me.

   And as we arrive to Matsuri's home in Shibuya. It must feel much new to live here now. Incredible new view to just have your eyes surround with in Shibuya. I weirdly have jitters through my head. Our walk was quite long, past the scramble crossing, and the walk went from busy and loud, to peaceful and quiet in the residential area. Matsuri actually lives in those typical small apartment units with one bigger sized bedroom. The hall is the kitchen and washer. Along with the bathroom and sink/toilet in separate rooms. But Matsuri made a way to make her room livable and cozy. By those minimalist go-to household products from Daiso or something, and organized spots of the house stuff. I'm impressed with how Matsuri can do that. She offers a futon mat she kept. And it's just for me so far. The moving for today. I take a shower, and Matsuri's lesson for today is here.

     Me: "So how much is the rent of your apartment?"

Matsuri: "Around ¥105,000. It's not that bad if you're wise with your money. And with the other fees as well. But if I get successful and get married, I'll buy a separate house with my husband. Or a mansion building."

  What she meant by mansion building are the apartment units that are in taller buildings, bigger unit space, and more expensive to buy.

    "Have you said you would consider living here as an immigrant in Japan... if possible?" Matsuri asks.

    "I think I have. Yes. But I still have to leave in the 28th because I'm only observing." I answer.

Matsuri: "Ohh okay. You can't just cut your trip short. Right?"

Me: "No. If I did, everything will be a waste. I don't like wasting. And I think it's against the law. Don't know. I just can't. That's why I'm glad you're here to help me."

   Matsuri: "Alright. For now, just enjoy the month travel you were given. If you choose to live here for later, worry about the house, spouse, and work later."

   Me: "Okay. You would think of having me live here?"

Matsuri: "Depends on you. It'll be hard, but it will be something cool, and new for you. A hard challenge can prize better rewards. Moments, experience, adventure, love, and having what you wanted."

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