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Real Life

"Okay guys we're going to wrap up there today, good job everyone."

Tom smiled at Jon, before walking over to Zendaya and Jacob at the water station. 

"I wonder why he's stopped early, it's unlike Watts to stop in the middle of a scene." He laughed grabbing the Spider-Man water bottle his brothers had bought him as a joke off the table. 

"Dunno man, but i saw Jenni go over to him not even ten minutes ago." Jacob confessed looking over at their director who seemed to be looking somewhat solemly at Tom from across the room while he was talking to Marisa. 

"Weird. I'm sure you'll find out soon T." 

"Yeah, i guess so, i'm going to crash, night guys."

"See you brit boy." 

"night man." 

Tom smiled to his co-workers before turning around and wandering back to his trailer, day after day of shooting was beginning to take a toll on him, not to mention the phone calls at silly o'clock with his family due to the time differences - he was exhausted. 

when he checked his phone everything seemed in order except 3 missed calls from the same unknown number and a lot of missed calls from 'Sami Buoy'. Confused by this he tried ringing his brother back only to get the answer tone. 


he thought nothing of it again, changing and getting onto his bed, reading a bit more of the script before falling asleep with it sprawled over his lap...



this better not be one of your jokes
its late here and i'm tired-

sorry Mr Holland, i am not your brother

... Miss Jonson?

yes, hello Tom
sorry for calling at such an hour
well, for you at least.

no no it's perfectly fine!
why are you phoning?

i wish it was with better circumstances believe me.
i recommend you make yourself a coffee, Mr Holland
to wake yourself up a bit

i might be in America, miss, but i'm still British 

*soft laugh* 
a tea, then.
and please, i am no longer your teacher, Dorothy is fine.

that just sounds odd to say
no offence of course 

i understand Tom.

okay, give me a minute
the kettle isn't great.

of course.

while we wait, how's Harry doing?

Mr Holland is fine, a very smart lad
who takes after his eldest brother very much 
though, i am yet to decide if that is a good thing or not...

Har's always followed my lead 

the joys of being the eldest i'm afraid

oh i know. 

how are things in America?

not too bad 
working hard, constantly
i only got off set a few hours ago and i'm due back in three more.

i apologise for taking away your sleep time then

it's no worry
what was it you wanted to say?


Miss Jonson?

we would like you to come back to the school
for a reunion

oh... yeah sure!
i thought it would be worse than that
from the way you were speaking-

unfortunately it isn't a simple reunion
more a remembrance
or... memorial


Mr Holland, when was the last time you spoke to Harrison Ostefield?

at noon
has something happened to him???

no, i was curious to how much you knew
how about Miss Porter?




are you there?
i think the line has gone faulty

yeah i'm still here

have you spoken to Emily?

not really no
we last spoke in year 11

oh... i see
i'll let Mr Osterfield fill you in then


really i just needed to know
if you'd be able to come
i'm sure it would mean a lot to the family

uh sure
i'll try and get a flight booked
what day?

great - thank you Tom
it is the 27th

next week?

i think i spoke to your secretary earlier?

oh my PA?

she said she'd book the flight
when i put the phone down from her

oh okay cool

well, it was lovely talking to you Tom
it will be good to see you
despite the circumstances of course- 

just a quick question before you go?

of course

do i know who them?

who, Mr Holland?

the person the memorial is for?

well, yes
quite well i assumed


have a good day Mr Holland
or should i say night?

*soft laugh*
bye Miss J

*Call Ends*

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