54 2 0


Unknown Number

077********- hi Tom, it's Emily
077******** - i wanted to thank you for coming yesterday
077********- Haz gave me your number - hope that's okay
077******** - you're probably busy, or sleeping, so i'll go
077******** - but it really was great to see you :)


ADD 077********  TO CONTACTS?


Potter... not quite

hi Emi
you don't have to thank me
Danny was important to me
he still is
of course i'd be there
sorry i didn't reply sooner
i've been on the phone to my manager since 5 this morning

Emi - no worries
Emi - you didn't have to respond at all 

don't be silly

Emi - that's rich coming from you

that is very true

Emi - :)
Emi - i missed you Tom
Emi - with everything you were my go-to 
Emi - i have Dylan now
Emi - but it still felt odd not calling you - y'know?

i know
i missed you too
you can call or message whenever you like
it would be great to catch up

Emi - it would
Emi - i'm off to meet Haz right now
Emi - but perhaps later?

sure :)

Emi - great!
Emi - bye T

later E


hazosterfield : don't be fooled - London is freezing

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hazosterfield : don't be fooled - London is freezing

tagged ; @emports

liked by 443K

comments : 

user - he's so hot
^ unknown - we really have seen two pretty best friends 

emports - well who decided not to wear a coat... 

tomholland13 - is that my jacket?
^ hazosterfield - uhhhh no...
^ tomholland13 - it is! 

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you started following @emports!

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