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Real Life

"ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking, we will be landing in London Heathrow Airport in 15 minutes, if you could all please secure your seatbelts and ready your seat to land, thank you once again for flying with Delta." 

As Tom sat in the first class window seat looking out at the drizzling London below, he didn't feel the usual joy to see the 'typical British weather' he'd grown up with. In all honesty he didn't want to be home at all. 

okay maybe that was a bit unfair. he was looking forward to seeing his family but other than that this trip home was one he wished never needed to happen. Danny was one of his best friends growing up, they would spend many hours laughing about silly teenage dramas or planning their future together. 

that worked out well...

the plane landed smoother than expected yet Tom barely noticed over his rocky thoughts. yanking his holdall out of the overhead locker, he made his way off the plane smiling at the air hostess who had recognised him (if the glint in her eye was anything to go by) before grabbing his hoodie hood and pulling it over his head to avoid being recognised - he wasn't in the mindset for an impromptu meet and greet. 

he managed to get all the way through customs and baggage before someone recognised him. The lad, no older than 8, approached him slowly in a 'Civil War' merch t-shirt trying his best to not draw any attention to Tom.

"excuse me sir?"

Tom put a smile on his face before turning around to face the boy.

"yes buddy?"

"a-are you Spiderman?"

he crouched down so he was at eye level with the small lad before giving him a conspiratorial grin. 

"i am, but we can't tell anyone okay? secret identities have to stay secret." 

"you can trust me! i won't tell a soul i promise!"

Tom smiled at the boy once more before he noticed a frazzled looking woman appear behind the boy. 

"Eddie darling, i told you to stay close!"

"but mummy! i met spider- uh this man!"

"right..." the woman smiled noticing Tom who had now stood up behind her son.

"well Eddie, it looks like your mum is here now, you be good for her okay?"

"of course." the excited boy grinned looking back and forth between his mum and the actor.

Tom offered the boy a secret photo that his mother thanked him for profusely before he managed to get to the exit he needed to meet up with Harrison. from a distance, Tom could see the weariness in his best friend's posture, the redness of his eyes and the darkened bags beneath showed Tom he wasn't the only one who was grieving hard in that moment.

when the two met Tom pulled Haz into a hug, it wasn't common for the two, but in that moment Tom felt the need to be there for Harrison and the need for his best friends comfort more than ever. Harrison pulled away first with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"you ready to go home?"

"more than ready." 

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐲 - 𝐓 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now