Camilo Madrigal x Female! Reader - Part 2 😍❤

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(The picture above is NOT mine.)

Your heart was beating erratically as you thought about your boyfriend. It's as if everything about him was perfect. Which, in a sense, it was. His hugs were HEAVENLY. You could feel him when he wasn't even around.

A knock on the downstairs door brought you back to Earth.  Letting out an exasperated sigh you went to open up the door. (Your parents would usually do this but they had to go on a business trip that you cared nothing about).

When you opened the door it was (surprise!) Camilo himself. "Hey, Camilo, what you doing here?" "Your parents said it was ok to come here and spend the night with you, while they are on their business fiasco." "Don't you remember Y/n??"  "Yeah, heh". Camilo came in and locked the door behind himself.

(You guys didn't plan on what to do after he got there lol) " So Uhm, what do you wanna do while I'm here Y/n?"
There was a short pause after Camilo's question. " Can we just chill out and stuff". "Fair enough". Your early hours were spent talking with Camilo to no end.

* Small Time Skip *
You two were talking under the brilliant light of your gorgeous chandelier. (Your parents are rich asf in this one so you practically live in a mansion and have a big pool etc.) You suddenly noticed how Camio's green/hazel eyes glimmered under the light of the chandelier. You found yourself leaning closer to his face, before you knew it you and your boyfriend were making out. You two fought for dominance. Camilo won the battle. You guys spent the whole weekend making/hanging out and having a great time.

💋The End💋

Well, this is one of the first times I made another part for my story. The original one I wrote was a little more heated with the make-out session but I cut that out. This would've sounded better IF I could've found a good paraphrase. But most of them sucked and the one that DID work, did not work on big paragraphs. Meaning this would've taken A LOT longer to make.

Anyway, this WAS going to be a soulmate AU thing, but the saying " I wonder who it could be" sounded stupid and silly because you are DATING Camilo Madrigal. 

Enough of my rambling tho. I hope it was satisfactory for you guys and I'll see you at the next one!!! Audios Amigos!!!!!

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