Beast Wirt x Female Reader Part 2

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You woke up to the delicious aroma of cinnamon and Vanilla. Being enticed by the smell you made your way downstairs. There stood beast Wirt, making cinnamon vanilla pancakes. "Ah, y/n, how did you sleep?" "I slept very well, thanks for asking!!!" "Your welcome love." The nickname made you blush, but you shrugged it off. When he was done cooking he placed the two plates on the table. You and beast Wirt ate in silence until you decided to break it."So Wirt, what are your plans for today???" "Well, I was planning on buying some food and going berry hunting. "Ooh, can I join you?" "Yes You may." So when you two finished eating, you set out for the tasks at hand.


The scenery outside was breath taking. The sky was a stunning blue color and the golden daylight cut through the gaps in the trees. Soon the sweet smell of berries filled your nostrils. "Here we are y

." Beast Wirt started to calmly pick the candy red berries from the Bush, and you simply zoned out. You see, you had developed a crush on Beast Wirt in the time you spent with him. You loved everything about him. From his beautiful multicolored eyes to the antlers on his head. To add to all that, he was tall and handsome. You were surprised you didn't faint everytime you looked at him. "Y/n you alright?" This snapped you out of tour daze. (He was worried about you, how sweet!! 💘) "Y-Yeah, I'm fine!" You stuttered. "Heh, thought I might have to shake you there for a second!" You and beast Wirt shared an awkward laugh. For the rest of the day you helped beast Wirt pick berries and purchase food. While you guys were walking home he kept glancing at you. Was there something on your face you didn't know about?!


Finally, you two made it to the house. While beast Wirt was busy making the food, you decided to take a bath. You turned the knobs and let the bathtub fill with warm/hot-ish water. Then you took off your clothes and stepped into the tip. You hummed as soon as you were submerged into the water. It just felt so good. You softly scrubbed the soap an your body the shampoo through your hair. Creating a soothing atmosphere. When you were all done you rinsed the soap off your body and out your hair. Next you rung out your hair and stepped out the tub. Wrapping a towel around yourself, you walked out the bathroom and into the room you were staying in. After drying off lotion and deodorant were applied. Then pjs were slipped on.The smell of chicken soup wafted into your nose, so you went down the stairs to check it out.
When you were about to sit down, beast Wirt grabbed both of your hands. "Y/n, I have something I really need to tell you." You just gave him a puzzled expression. "What is it??" "I really,really like you, more than a friend." This SHOCKED you. You don't think you've ever been more surprised in your life. Your ears and face turn red from his confession. "Wirt, I like you too." "A lot, actually." This caused beast Wirt to get super happy, spinning you around and laughing. Planting soft kisses all over your face. That night dinner was filled with happy conversation. You were going to sleep in your usual room, but beast Wirt insisted that you guys sleep together. You both had sweet dreams that night. 🌙 💘

Whew! Another long one!!! There are slight differences in this from what I wrote on paper. And I'm aware that there isint really a place to buy food in the unknown, I just used my imagination!!! Anyway, sorry if beast Wirt is ooc or anything, I just wanted him to fit into the story. Hope you guys liked it!!!

MissSinner285❤🍷 out!!!

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