Beast Wirt x Female reader Part 1

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(I wrote this like two months ago but I'm just now getting my lazy rump up and typing it. Also, I know beast Wirt might be an older concept but whatever.) (Also, lets just pretend that this is in more of a modern time period.) [The picture above does not belong to me, it's someone else's drawing.]

One day you were walking through the forest behind your house because you were bored. And being the curious person you were, you went further and further into the wooded area. It was snowing pretty heavy and there were strong winds blowing. Pretty soon you were sure of being lost. So you decided to try and find your way home.

After a bit of walking around, you hear leaves and twigs snap and crunch beneath something. You swiftly turn around to see who or what it was. "Hello?" "Who is there?" Stepping out of the snowy fog was a boy. He was rather tall and had a red cone hat, blue cloak, and grey pants.Odd antlers/horns adorned he sides of his head. His eyes were gorgeously multicolored. "Hello there,you seem lost..." His voice was soft like velvet and soothing, almost enough to make you want to sleep. "You're correct, I'm very,very lost." You replied. "Well, I have a place you could stay until the weather lets up." He offered. You were very skeptical about his offer. You didn't know whether to trust him or not. But as you saw it there were two choices. A. Accept his offer. B.Wander the forest and possibly freeze to death or get eaten by hungry wolves.You chose to go with him. "Okay lead the way ummmm." "It's Wirt, what's your name by the way?" " it's Y/N" "What a pretty name" he commented. You blushed lightly at his comment, not expecting it from him at all. "Thank you." With that you and Wirt head off deeper into the forest at nighttime , the only light guiding you is from the lantern he is holding.

When you reach your destination, it appears to be a big cabin with multiple floors. When you walk inside, the interior of the living room is quite simple. There is a fireplace and some furniture along with a flat screen tv. How the place didn't burn down yet is beyond you, but your sure Wirt had his ways of keeping the place afloat. Quite obviously there was a second floor with a few bedrooms and bathrooms. And on the first floor there was a decent sized kitchen. "Make yourself at home" you jumped from the sudden voice behind you. "Okay I will" you replied. Curiosity once again ruled your brain, and you went exploring the cabin. First was the bedrooms. There seemed to be two guest bedrooms and a main one. You were so tired that going into one of the guest bedrooms and sleeping sounded like a good idea. So it was done.

Waking up to sunlight casting a golden glow into the room, and the delicious smell of food wafting into your nose, your eyes snapped open. You trudged downstairs and found Wirt stirring something in a pot that smelled of sugar and cinnamon. "Hello, Y/N, sleep well?" "Yes I did, and what's that there you are cooking?" "Porridge" "I LOVE PORRIDGE!!!" You exclaimed loudly. (My grandma used to make me sweet porridge when I was a kid). "Heh, is it your favorite or something?" "YES!!!" Wirt giggles as he spooned the porridge into your bowl, then sat down with his own bowl and ate. "You know, you can stay here if you'd like." "Huh?" "Yeah, you can live here with me if you want, I don't really want you to go." You slightly felt your cheeks go red at his statement. But maybe, just maybe staying with him wouldn't be that bad. Let's face it, you lived at home all by yourself, having no one but distant friends. You accepted his offer


You got hungry later so made yourself some soup with potatoes in it. After eating, you started to explore the forest to clear your head. Soon after you return to your new home and take a nice nap.

God knows what time it was when you woke up, but it was dark out, so you got up, took a quick shower, and changed into pajamas Wirt had given you.Then you went back to sleep.

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