Chore wars

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(in the living room)

Leo: Ugh. Okay. Toilet's clean. Bathtub's clean, sink is clean. And may I just say, you people are disgusting!

Tasha: Here is your chore money. (hands him money)

Leo: Sweet! I have enough money to see the new Pig Zombie movie and get a T-shirt. Pig Zombie: Cruise Ship Massacre in 3-D. Hungry hogs on the high seas.

Tasha: Leo, I don't want you wasting your brain, your money or your time on that trash. You are not going to see Pig Zombies. End of discussion.

Leo: Well, but--

Tasha: Uh-uh!

Leo: Can I--

(Tasha intimates buzzing sound)

Leo: Glad to see we were able to talk this out.
Corbyn prov

outfit(Adam, Bree, Chase, & I walk in)

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(Adam, Bree, Chase, & I walk in)

Adam: Leo, I know you want to be a superhero, but that's the worst costume ever.

Leo: I was cleaning the bathroom, so I could get some money to see my favorite movie. But someone who shall remain nameless...

(Leo looks over at Tasha, who waves from the couch)

Leo: ...won't let me go.

Chase: Wait a minute. You get paid money just for cleaning stuff?

Tasha: Oh, yeah. Most kids have chores. You clean things around the house, and then you get an allowance from your parents.
Corbyn: I want new sneakers!
Bree: I want chores!

Chase: I want money!

Adam: Oh, I want a big furry hat so I can wear it to scare animals!

Leo: You guys can finish my chores. There's no reason for me to have money since Miss Bank-Manager put a freeze on my fun account! (leaves)

Corbyn: So, where should we start?

Tasha: Just look around the house and see what needs to be cleaned. (leaves)

Adam: I got this. (lifts up the couch) Oh! That's where I left my lucky floss!

Chase: If you use that, I will hurl.
Adam: And then I will clean up that hurl. Ka-ching!

(at a fast-moving pace, Adam, Bree, and Chase clean the entire great room)

Bree: Perfect! You could eat off of this floor.

Adam: Could, can and will.

(Tasha walks back in and looks around in awe)

Tasha: Wow. You guys just did a day's worth of chores in three minutes. You know, if this whole mission thing doesn't work out, I can buy a minivan, and we can open up a cleaning service. Here you go. (hands them each money)
Corbyn: Sweet now I can get those new sneaker's and skatbord

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